Friday, October 17, 2014

Celebration: {Day 17} For Whys and What Ifs

Sometimes I can't help but wonder...

Why, God?  Why?

But it isn't the fist-shaking of unbelief or anger.

It is, in a sense, the acknowledgement of my human-ness.

I am not God.  I do not, I cannot, understand Him fully.  He thinks differently than I do.  He does things differently than I do (or would choose to).

Sometimes His plan includes things that make no sense.  Things that tear at the heart.  Things that snatch dreams away.  Things that turn worlds topsy-turvy.

Why did You let this happen, God?

What purpose can You possibly have in mind?

What if _____ happens?

For the times when questions like these seem to rise up irrepressible, we have a place to run to.  A mighty fortress - with twin towers called Sovereignty and Grace.

As a friend so beautifully put it, "My 'whys' and 'what ifs' are safe with Him."

He's not threatened, surprised, or angered by our questions.

He's not up in heaven, hand on hip, going, "Come on, don't you trust Me?  I mean, really.  Hurry up and trust Me already!"  He is a God of grace.  He knows our human-ness perfectly.  And He invites us, open-armed, to come near with all our whys and what ifs, to hide safe in His grace.  We may not always find the answers to our questions.  But we can simply snuggle up in His love, fully assured that He's got me, you, them, this whole world in His hands.

And He's not letting go.  Ever.

Beautiful, beautiful grace.

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