Friday, October 24, 2014

Celebration: {Day 24} Who's the Hero?

It was MTC, third semester.  An unwelcome visitor showed up: migraines.

I was used to being healthy and energetic - more or less.  I said no to things because I was busy, rarely because I "didn't feel well".  I did what needed to be done...and maybe then some.

But now it was different.

Getting homework done became a struggle (staring at a computer screen and thinking is one of the last things you feel like doing with a migraine!).  There were nights with precious little sleep.  Productivity took a nose-dive.

With every week that passed, it became more and more glaringly obvious that Rachel was not Superwoman.  Not even close.  And for that matter, she never would be Superwoman.

My cape of supposed adequacy was tattered and threadbare.

Enter grace.

I resisted it at first (like I had in many other areas of my life up to that point).  I'd found such confidence in my own abilities: my own strength, my own energy, my own time management skills.  The whole taking-one-day-at-a-time-in-dependence-on-someone-else was not in all honesty something I would have signed up for.

I liked being my own hero.

But I started to realize what a pathetic hero I was.  No hero at all, really.

I needed someone strong.  Someone big.  Someone who didn't get tired, didn't run out, and didn't have limits.

And there He was.

The God of daily grace.  The God of comfort, of rest, of quiet strength.  The God who was always there and always enough.

He's the true Hero, the One who rescues undeserving wanna-be-heroes like me.

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