Sunday, October 26, 2014

Celebration: {Day 26} Bob's Story

Sometimes we lose sight of grace or perhaps even deliberately ignore it.  We might find ourselves farther from God than we thought possible.  But every prodigal has the opportunity to go back...and every time the Father is waiting with a whole-hearted welcome.  Bob shares his thoughts on coming home to grace.

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When reading the story of the prodigal son I wonder if the son asked, "How in the world did I get here?"  I think it's a legitimate question as the Scripture says "he came to his senses" (Luke 15:17).  From that point on the son begins to have a better sense of where he needed to be and what he needed to do...go home to his father.  The son travels home with a repentant heart and is received back in his father's arms of grace.

This is a story of what I call "grace sense" and I love it!  In my own journey I was like the son who walked away, losing my sense of directional grace and lived a wasteful prodigal life for two years filled with sin.

One day by the grace of God I came to my senses.  My grace sense was awakened and I asked myself, "How in the world did I get here?"  It was grace that led me home.  Grace greater than all my sin welcomed me back into my Heavenly Father's arms.

I'm growing in my "grace sense" as on the days when the guilt of my sin raises its ugly head, my Father whispers in my heart to look at the robe, ring, and shoes of His grace.  Once again my "grace sense" is awakened to remember I am forgiven.

But by the grace of God I am what I am (1 Corinthians 15:10).

Bob A.

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