Monday, January 26, 2015

GPA: Phase 2

Phase 2: The Story-Building Phase

Phase hours: 150
GP-nurturer ratio (starting in Phase 2, it's important to have a lower ratio to allow each person more time for talking during the session): 3-1

Materials needed for sessions: wordless picture books, recording device, notebook for writing new vocabulary in

Activities in session: stories with wordless picture books, stories using drawings

Activities out of session: reviewing the recordings from sessions, visiting (possible but extremely difficult!)

Understanding level: simple stories and descriptions

Speaking level: words and simple phrases tied to "the here and now"
Telling stories is a team effort.  In the first part of the phase, the GP tries to describe everything on the page, then the nurturer retells the story the way a native speaker would tell it.  In the second part of the phase, the nurturer describes the pages, and the GP "massages" the description, asking questions and getting clarification on anything he/she doesn't understand.

In the final part of the phase, we take turns telling stories from our lives using simple drawings.  (In case you're curious, that first story is about the mega-snowstorm we had one winter in MO, when I fell in a rather deep snow drift...because I walked down the hillside instead of taking the road, which had been cleared.  Yeah.  The second story is about the middle-of-the-night tornado during my last couple weeks there.  Oh Missouri weather, how I miss you.)

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