Friday, March 6, 2015

Missions Spotlight: In Others' Words

Is it cheating to do a post consisting of quotes from others?  No?  Good, 'cause that's what we're doing today (with a bit of commentary here and there). :)  I've tried to give credit where I could, but there few lines I came across somewhere and didn't get the source.

It is more important that you should know about the reverses [difficulties] than about the successes...  We shall have all eternity to celebrate the victories, but we have only the few hours before sunset in which to win them...  So we have tried to tell you the truth - the uninteresting, unromantic truth." - Amy Carmichael

I like that.  Sometimes the reality of "missions" is not glamorous; it's rather unromantic.  And I think it's important to communicate that.

I realized that my life was to be one of simple, childlike faith, and that my part was to trust, not to do.  I was to trust in Him and He would work in me...  From that time my life was different. - C. T. Studd


Rough day...  We lost one of our old guys.  The hopelessness in the tribe is heartbreaking (and the sound of wailing).  The days cannot come fast enough for us to share the Good News, but we can't tell them yet.  We literally aren't able to speak that well.  This job is not an adventure or amazing experience, we are dealing with people's eternity.  I am finding comfort in God's desire is that none would perish... - Lauren B.

I have learned that I will not change the world, Jesus will do that.  - Katie Davis

My desire to live more purposefully has increased [after getting back from a short-term trip] and I am more convicted that my mission field is wherever I am and whatever I am doing.

Too often we get this idea that missionaries, pastors, or others in full-time ministry are the only ones who have to live with eternity in mind.  But actually, all believers should be living that way - following Jesus isn't ever supposed to be half-hearted.

I think the bottom line is that in all our trips, programs, and goals we have lost sight of people.  What would we do if we truly loved them?  Rather than simply being in love with our efforts to love them?

Convicting.  So true.

We have been...finding ourselves in a completely different world, facing challenges we never would have even dreamed of, feeling a great chasm between us and the people we live among, experiencing emotions and inner struggles that might make any church-goer question our salvation, knowing exhaustion that weighs heavy on the body and pain that weighs heavy on the heart, aching to be understood and to understand, trying to push forward in language ability and relationship building while grasping at some form of normalcy for the sake of our sanity and the health of our family. - V family

Again, that unromantic truth.  The struggles.

We are not good missionaries.  I don't think there are any good missionaries, just a good God.  So we will mess up some more and we will still get scared and even run from what God wants for us.  But it won't change God's grace and the building of His kingdom. - Ryan H

That's sovereignty right there, people.  He's bigger than us and our failures, and He is going to continue accomplishing His plan.

And here's some longer reading, if you're interested.
Not a Fairytale
Culture 101, part 1
Culture 101, part 2

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