Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Preaching...to Myself

Some days all it takes is one Facebook post, one story on somebody else's blog, one conversation with another missionary, and I can't seem to help feeling deflated.  That I don't measure up, that I'm not doing enough, that so-and-so just has it figured out so much better.

And that's when I have start preaching to myself.

Rachel, this isn't about you.  This doesn't depend on you.  This isn't about whether you're strong and capable and "successful".  This isn't about how well you've figured things out.  This about God.

And who is your God, anyway?

That's right.

The One who created the universe out of nothing, parted seas, fed His people with manna for forty years, shut lion's mouths, walked on water, brought dead people back to life...

And I go on down the record of history.

And does God ever change?


So if He's as big and faithful and sovereign today, what does that mean?  For starters, how about this...

He's got a plan grander and more amazing then anything I could dream up.  He is fully able to accomplish His plan.  He has been for thousands of years.  This. is. not. about. you.  It's about Him.

I need to remind myself of these truths.  I need to remember who my God is.

How can I live the way I should unless I do?

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