Monday, January 25, 2016


So, you're at the Bible Institute.  What are you doing there?
My official role at this point is "guest hospitality coordinator".  Basically I'm supposed to run the guest house.

What does a day look like?
A lot of different things!  I book the rooms, oversee the cleaning (which is done by students), and buy any supplies needed (whether it be cleaning products, paper towels, or new sheets).  Right now there's also just a lot of learning how to do things, getting familiar with the system, updating documents, and stuff like that.  I'd say probably about half the evenings of the week have involved hanging out with people, and the other half I try to work on house or personal projects.

Where do you live?
I live in the school building right now, on the girls' floor.  I have my own apartment with a bedroom, living area, and kitchen (and tons of amazing storage space, which makes me so happy!).  Bathroom/showers are down the hall.

How's the weather?
Cold!  I had heard it was a much milder winter than usual, so I wasn't entirely prepared for how few days it has gotten above freezing.  We've had some snow, but not necessarily any really big storms.  Yet.

Do you have a church?
Yes!  Pretty much.  I'd visited this church twice when I'd stayed with Esther before, and at this point I'm planning to continue attending.

Overall, how's the transition been?
It's been really good so far.  I'm still learning my way around town, and I haven't entirely gotten into a routine yet, but for the most part, I'm feeling settled.  I'll admit there are times when my head feels like an overstuffed filing cabinet of names and faces (or even questions or ideas), but I'm sure that will lessen over time.

What are some things you love about being there?
People!  Oh my goodness, it makes my heart so happy that there are so many people to get to know. I can choose a different table to sit at every day for lunch and find people I haven't gotten to talk to yet.  The sheer possibility!  And the fact that discipleship and community (two things very important to me) are just waiting for me literally right outside my door.  And finally having a place to settle into after being in an in-between stage for so long.  And the snow.  It feels like being in a movie or peaceful and serene and just so outside of most of my life's experience.  And having friends on staff and a girl from my home church here as a student.  So fun!

What are your long term plans?  Is this going to be your ministry for the next 10 years, or is it merely a stepping stone for something else?
No idea!  And actually, for one of the first times in my life, I'm totally okay with that.  In the past, it has been a struggle to settle when I knew I'd be moving in a year or two (which has been the story of much of the past six years).  But on the flip side, I also struggled to hold my plans for the future loosely and accept that while God might have me somewhere today it didn't automatically mean that He'd have me in that same place five years down the road.  All that to say, I really don't know His long term plan for me, but this is going to be home until He shows me otherwise!

What have you learned in the past several years that has helped with this new chapter?
One - embracing where God has put me is one of the biggest keys to joy. Noticing His gifts - having a thankful heart - is another key to joy.  Two - don't waste time looking for perfection.  In church, in relationships, in the home, anywhere.  I missed so many opportunities before because I was waiting for a more ideal whatever-it-was or till I felt more put-together.  When I stopped expecting perfection, it freed me to actually,  Three - (and this kind of goes along with the last one) don't be afraid of the messy.  That's realm where grace operates.  Move towards people, even when they're a mess or I'm unsure of what they need.  God's grace is enough.  Allow people in, even when I'm in the middle of something or my sink is full of dishes or I'm feeling scattered and not-enough.  God's grace is enough.  Four - God's got this.  I so do not need to try to control things, because He is entirely in control and entirely capable of handling everything.  I can rest in that.  Five - no matter what life brings, His love is so big and incredible and tenacious that nothing can ever separate me from Him.  Nothing, nothing, nothing!

What are some prayer requests?
Good relationships with staff and students.  Wisdom in priorities and how to manage my time.  Good sleep, good quiet times, good routines.  A brain that would quickly absorb the things I need to learn.  Reliance on God for everything.  And safety for those times when I need to drive in the snow...

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