Monday, April 25, 2016

She's Gotta Trust Him Too

Ling wasn't the easiest semester of training for me; I've told you guys that before.  There were a few especially memorable bad times.

One was a day when class had already been very challenging and we took a break for our usual mid-morning prayer time with the other classes.  The Ling class ahead of us was in Oklahoma for their practicum, but their teacher was there and gave us an update on how they were doing.  One of the ladies had two kids and was expecting her third during their time in Oklahoma.  She went into labor during one of her language sessions, but didn't let that stop her from finishing the. entire. session.  She gave birth that night - and the next day she had her language helper there, ready to keep going with sessions.  Talk about a rock star mama.

I went back to class feeling so small, so close to tears.  This is pathetic, I thought.  She's got three kids and can totally handle this but it's crazy hard for me and I don't even have a family.
I sensed the Lord saying, "She's got to trust Me, too.  You look at her life, and it may seem so easy.  Maybe linguistics really does come easy for her and maybe it isn't something she struggles to trust Me for.  But there's something else, something you may never know about, that she has to trust Me for."

Perhaps my posts over the last few months have painted an overly-rosy picture.  I do love being here.  I do love my life and what God is giving me and teaching me in this season.  You may be sitting in the middle of your own struggles right now; maybe it seems like my life is easy by comparison and that I don't have to make much of an effort to trust God.

My coworkers are great (a blessing I realize not everyone enjoys).  I enjoy my roles.  I'm content with the church I've found.  It hasn't necessarily been a huge struggle to trust Him in those areas.

And yet...I still have such a desperate need to depend on Him.  There are things I need His wisdom in, situations I don't know how to handle, priorities I'm not sure how to manage, areas of stretching and even painful growth that may not be obvious to others.

What I'm trying to say is this: We. all. need. Him.  No matter what it looks like on the outside, nobody has it all under control.  The Lord gives us different talents, different circumstances, and different abilities.  Looking at someone else's life, it may seem like they'd have an easier time of it than we do.

Truth says we all have to trust and God gives each of us different opportunities to learn that.  Your opportunity to trust may not be mine, but I will have another opportunity to trust.  So much discouragement could be avoided if we stopped comparing what God is doing in someone else's life to how He chooses to work in our own.

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