Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Auntie Corner

It's been a while since I've shared any pictures of Malachi, or "Little Dude" as we like to call him.

But how sad would it be not to share cuteness like this?

Seriously, I can't even.

He melts my heart completely.

I just want to squeeze him and tickle him and kiss him.

December.  Must wait till December...

All decked out for the Fourth.

He's getting so big.

He's so curious.

He sleeps in a bed instead of a crib now.

He kisses the phone when I call.


Yes, you read that shirt right.  I'm going to be an auntie again this fall!

And it's going to be a girl!!  I can't wait to meet her.

You know what's super fun?  The day I found out Sarah and Brian were expecting, my good friend Tamara told me they were also expecting again: "You're going to be an auntie times two!"  And I thought to myself...How cool would it be if I were actually going to be an auntie times THREE?!

So I called Angèle up later that day and told her the news.  "Is there anything you want to tell me, maybe...?" I prodded (because that's the kind of friendship we have).  "Oh, no, Rachel.  No, I'm not expecting."  So she said.

She actually was and didn't know it yet.  ("How did you know?!" she asked me later.  "I didn't even know yet!"  I laughed and told her I'd just had this feeling...)

Which means that this fall, I will indeed get to be an auntie times three!  I still get all giddy thinking about it. :)

- - -

Last weekend I got to watch this cutie, his brother, and two of his sisters while their parents snuck away.

I can't even tell you how much I love him.  And the whole family.

I wish I would have gotten more pictures, but...well, let's just say there were a whole lot of other things vying for my attention. :)

Also, T-mama?  You're a rock star, being mommy to all of them day in and day out.

- - -

Well, there you go.  A little bit of cuteness to brighten up your day.  Or evening, as the case may be.

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