Thursday, January 19, 2017

The Manna for Today

January 5th.  First day back to work.

I was stressing out about getting back so late (registration was the 8th).  I was regretting booking that return ticket on Wednesday.  I should have come back Monday or Tuesday.  There's so much to do, I thought.

As I was getting breakfast that Thursday morning, my mind was running through all the dozens of things that needed to happen.  I could feel the panic and anxiety rising up in my throat.

I started talking to God about the day: Please help me not to panic.  Help me to just be able to keep on track, to work hard and steady.  To accomplish what needs to be accomplished without giving into this anxiety that I so often default to.

Every day that first week or so was full.  Very full.  I felt tired, but not stressed or overwhelmed, unlike last semester, which got off to a pretty rough start for me.

There has been grace for each day, as I need it.

Like manna.

There's no need to stash it away for tomorrow.  No need for anxiety because the God who scattered the manna all around me today will be the same manna-giving God tomorrow.  I can trust Him.  I can fall asleep and not worry about tomorrow, content knowing that tomorrow's grace will be waiting for me...tomorrow.

How wonderful that He is as unfailingly faithful, generous, and kind to us as He was to the Israelites during their forty years in the desert.

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