Friday, April 7, 2017

Never Teach Students

I remember him saying, "Never teach students.  Teach teachers."

It makes a significant difference in your teaching approach if you are simply imparting knowledge to students, or if you are hoping to give them the tools to one day impart that knowledge to others.  It changes how you interact with those you're teaching.  It changes how you explain things and how you measure success in your teaching.

While I'm not in any kind of formal teaching role here, the principle is still a relevant one.  All around me are opportunities for mentoring, encouraging, and discipling young ladies.

These are the people who may one day be my coworkers.  And God has been challenging my thinking -

Am I treating them like that?
How would it look if I kept that in mind as we interacted?
What are ways I can teach teachers, mentor mentors, disciple disciplers?

Pray with me, would you?  I want to approach these opportunities well.

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