[This post originally appeared on my NTM blog.]
Graduation was over a month ago, and summer has definitely been a change of pace. My home church has given me a warm welcome, and it’s been a blessing to reconnect with folks I haven’t seen much of since last year.
Lord willing, I’ll be returning to MTC in August for a semester of linguistic training. Then our class will spend seven weeks in Oklahoma studying Cherokee. After that…
Well, at this point, I still don’t know what field or ministry the Lord is leading me to. I’d appreciate your prayers in that decision.
That’s all for now. Thanks for checking in! I’ll try to keep you up-to-date with what the Lord is doing. Feel free to leave me a comment – I’d enjoy hearing how He’s working in your life!
Rejoicing in His grace,
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Happy Tuesday!
"Oh, how great are God's riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it it for us to understand His decisions and His ways!" - Romans 11:33
"He does great things past finding out, yes, wonders without number." - Job 9:10
I've definitely seen the truth of those verses recently. My summer job search has been highly unsuccessful. I don't understand exactly why God hasn't allowed me to find a job yet, but I do know that His plan for my life is far more excellent than my own. I still don't enjoy uncertainty or plan changes. But I rejoice in the certainty of my Heavenly Father's love and care for me. Every day I see His awesome faithfulness and love. No matter what changes come my way (or don't), He never changes. What a comfort!
Rejoice in today!
"He does great things past finding out, yes, wonders without number." - Job 9:10
I've definitely seen the truth of those verses recently. My summer job search has been highly unsuccessful. I don't understand exactly why God hasn't allowed me to find a job yet, but I do know that His plan for my life is far more excellent than my own. I still don't enjoy uncertainty or plan changes. But I rejoice in the certainty of my Heavenly Father's love and care for me. Every day I see His awesome faithfulness and love. No matter what changes come my way (or don't), He never changes. What a comfort!
Rejoice in today!
Monday, June 27, 2011
He Already Sees
(I couldn't come up with an original title for today's post, so I'm borrowing the title from a song I really like.)
You know, it's been a long time since God has done something the way I expected Him to. Last week's craft boutique was the latest in a long string of I-thought-I-knew-how-this-was-going-to-turn-out-but-God-had-something-else-in-mind.
Sales stunk. Really. Five items in two days…not exactly the smashing success that I'd hoped for. As we packed up on day two, it seemed like a wasted effort. No profit to show for our hours of hard work and long days of sitting. We were taking the awning down when a man from a neighboring booth approached us. Michelle had visited with him and his wife earlier in the day, and in the course of the conversation, told them that we were both students at New Tribes Mission. She also explained what New Tribes does and what we are hoping to do in the future. It turns out they were believers. But back to the part where he walked up to our table…
…and held a bill towards us, saying, "My wife felt impressed to give this to you." I was too surprised to say anything more than, "Thank you." That simple gift was such a precious reminder that the Lord sees things differently than we do. If we'd have known the extent of our sales, neither one of us would have considered going. The math just didn't add up. Funny, I never seem to allow for God's greatness and creativity in all my calculating. His provisions aren't tied to people being impressed by our nice displays of coasters and hats and baby booties. No matter how many times I think I've finally got things figured out, the Lord always reminds me, "It's still by faith, not by sight." And it's comforting to know that He already sees what's on the other side of each obstacle we face.
Wasted trip? Part of me says, "I wouldn't have spent so much time on those silly earrings and coasters if I'd have known they wouldn't sell!" But I got to see Patty, a good family friend, and meet one of her pastors and his wife. I got to see Esther and Michelle and meet some of their families. And most of all, the Lord gave me yet another chance to see His hand in my life.
I am thankful for that.
I am thankful for the things we did sell.
I am thankful for safety on the drive there and back.
I am thankful for Patty's friendship and generosity.
I am thankful for my dear sisters in Christ, Michelle and Esther.
And I am thankful that God doesn't do things the way I would.
Walking by faith is the most difficult, scary, exciting, rewarding thing in the world.
You know, it's been a long time since God has done something the way I expected Him to. Last week's craft boutique was the latest in a long string of I-thought-I-knew-how-this-was-going-to-turn-out-but-God-had-something-else-in-mind.
Sales stunk. Really. Five items in two days…not exactly the smashing success that I'd hoped for. As we packed up on day two, it seemed like a wasted effort. No profit to show for our hours of hard work and long days of sitting. We were taking the awning down when a man from a neighboring booth approached us. Michelle had visited with him and his wife earlier in the day, and in the course of the conversation, told them that we were both students at New Tribes Mission. She also explained what New Tribes does and what we are hoping to do in the future. It turns out they were believers. But back to the part where he walked up to our table…
…and held a bill towards us, saying, "My wife felt impressed to give this to you." I was too surprised to say anything more than, "Thank you." That simple gift was such a precious reminder that the Lord sees things differently than we do. If we'd have known the extent of our sales, neither one of us would have considered going. The math just didn't add up. Funny, I never seem to allow for God's greatness and creativity in all my calculating. His provisions aren't tied to people being impressed by our nice displays of coasters and hats and baby booties. No matter how many times I think I've finally got things figured out, the Lord always reminds me, "It's still by faith, not by sight." And it's comforting to know that He already sees what's on the other side of each obstacle we face.
Wasted trip? Part of me says, "I wouldn't have spent so much time on those silly earrings and coasters if I'd have known they wouldn't sell!" But I got to see Patty, a good family friend, and meet one of her pastors and his wife. I got to see Esther and Michelle and meet some of their families. And most of all, the Lord gave me yet another chance to see His hand in my life.
I am thankful for that.
I am thankful for the things we did sell.
I am thankful for safety on the drive there and back.
I am thankful for Patty's friendship and generosity.
I am thankful for my dear sisters in Christ, Michelle and Esther.
And I am thankful that God doesn't do things the way I would.
Walking by faith is the most difficult, scary, exciting, rewarding thing in the world.
Saturday, June 25, 2011
At the end of two glorious, exciting, busy, long, short, disappointing, wonderful days...
Rachel: Are you sure I can't convince you girls to come home with me?
Michelle: Are you sure you can't stay until Sunday?
Yes, it was wonderful to see Esther and Michelle again. Fantabulous! And that's an understatement. More later. Now: bed.
Rachel: Are you sure I can't convince you girls to come home with me?
Michelle: Are you sure you can't stay until Sunday?
Yes, it was wonderful to see Esther and Michelle again. Fantabulous! And that's an understatement. More later. Now: bed.
Thursday, June 23, 2011
And I'm off...
See What a Morning is playing softly as I do my usual triple-check-to-make-sure-I-haven't-forgotten-anything routine.
Time to hit the road. Let's roll!
Time to hit the road. Let's roll!
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
One of many...
...things to be thankful for:
"Lord, You knew what You were getting when You chose us to be Your children." - E.H.
Thank You, Lord, for giving me another day to enjoy that privilege.
"Lord, You knew what You were getting when You chose us to be Your children." - E.H.
Thank You, Lord, for giving me another day to enjoy that privilege.
Monday, June 20, 2011
Obviously, posting on xanga was not something that made it onto my "to-do" list last week. Between filling out job applications, making follow-up calls, and odd projects around the house, I had plenty to keep me occupied. Not that I'm complaining. Life has been good even though it's not always easy. The Lord continues to amaze me every day with His grace, faithfulness, and care for me. Being His child is the most incredibly awesome thing ever.
This week promises to busy as well. The usual housework, correspondence, etc., plus hanging out with people I haven't seen for a while. Today, it'll be Jessica, a friend of ten years. Tomorrow it'll be Sarah, a girl I used to teach in Sunday School. (Why does watching kids you've taught grow up make you feel strangely old?!) AND, Lord willing, I'll be visiting my friends Esther and Michelle this week. Michelle and I will be sharing a booth at a craft boutique on Friday and Saturday. Remember those earrings and coasters? Yes, well, that's my contribution. We'll see how they sell. :)
Oh, so maybe you're wondering...what does the title of this post stand for? NOT "Emergency Medical Response". (Sorry, Sarah.) E.M.R. - that would be Esther, Michelle, Rachel.

This happy threesome. (The pictures are from the last week of school...goodness, was graduation really a whole month ago?!)

Very fun memories. And I GET TO SEE THEM THIS WEEK!!! I can't tell you how happy that makes me.
Just for kicks, check out these songs. (Two, since I didn't post last week.)
"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"
"Come Thou Fount"
I read these verses this morning: "...But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)
It's a new week. Let's press on toward the prize of knowing Christ more.
Happy Monday!
This week promises to busy as well. The usual housework, correspondence, etc., plus hanging out with people I haven't seen for a while. Today, it'll be Jessica, a friend of ten years. Tomorrow it'll be Sarah, a girl I used to teach in Sunday School. (Why does watching kids you've taught grow up make you feel strangely old?!) AND, Lord willing, I'll be visiting my friends Esther and Michelle this week. Michelle and I will be sharing a booth at a craft boutique on Friday and Saturday. Remember those earrings and coasters? Yes, well, that's my contribution. We'll see how they sell. :)
Oh, so maybe you're wondering...what does the title of this post stand for? NOT "Emergency Medical Response". (Sorry, Sarah.) E.M.R. - that would be Esther, Michelle, Rachel.
This happy threesome. (The pictures are from the last week of school...goodness, was graduation really a whole month ago?!)
Very fun memories. And I GET TO SEE THEM THIS WEEK!!! I can't tell you how happy that makes me.
Just for kicks, check out these songs. (Two, since I didn't post last week.)
"Praise to the Lord, the Almighty"
"Come Thou Fount"
I read these verses this morning: "...But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3:13-14)
It's a new week. Let's press on toward the prize of knowing Christ more.
Happy Monday!
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Kept in His Grace
Oh how I love You, Lord
I love Your perfect word
With tearful eyes I see
The God who always will endure
Now I will celebrate
For all the thousand ways
That You have shown me grace
And made my heart in grace to stay
- from "I Need You"
Ever wonder how many of "all the thousand ways" go unnoticed as we sail through life? How many times is God's finger at work, gently orchestrating the details of our lives for our very best? And I often don't thank Him for those "thousand ways" He shows me grace, because I don't even see them.
Yet I have so much to be thankful for. So very much.
Like a roof over my head. Plenty of food and clothing. Family and friends. Eyes to see the beauty around me. Ears to hear a bird's song, the glorious rumble of thunder, or my sisters' laughter. The opportunity to be trained for what God has for my future. Most of all, that God loves me and keeps me in His grace no matter what life looks like. That His ways are so much better than what this stubborn, selfish, short-sighted heart of mine could dream up.
I love Your perfect word
With tearful eyes I see
The God who always will endure
Now I will celebrate
For all the thousand ways
That You have shown me grace
And made my heart in grace to stay
- from "I Need You"
Ever wonder how many of "all the thousand ways" go unnoticed as we sail through life? How many times is God's finger at work, gently orchestrating the details of our lives for our very best? And I often don't thank Him for those "thousand ways" He shows me grace, because I don't even see them.
Yet I have so much to be thankful for. So very much.
Like a roof over my head. Plenty of food and clothing. Family and friends. Eyes to see the beauty around me. Ears to hear a bird's song, the glorious rumble of thunder, or my sisters' laughter. The opportunity to be trained for what God has for my future. Most of all, that God loves me and keeps me in His grace no matter what life looks like. That His ways are so much better than what this stubborn, selfish, short-sighted heart of mine could dream up.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Graduation Day
Today the last cousin from on Mom's side of the family graduated high school. There are five of us in three years (me, cousin, sister, cousin, sister), and we've always been pretty close. Both cousins are pretty fine young men if I do say so myself. I'm privileged to be related to them. So here are pictures from today, for your enjoyment. Never a dull moment with these goofs around.

Five cousins

Aunt Jayne, Sam, Ben, and Uncle Craig

Yes. He really is that tall. And we really are that short. Sarah and I were even wearing heels.
And just for kicks, here are the five of us four summers ago. The height gap between the guys and the girls has definitely increased since then. (Remember, "the girls" are wearing heels in today's pictures.)

L to R: Sarah, Beck, me, Ben, Sam

Groovy times!!!
And I'd be remiss if I didn't also mention I have another cousin who graduated from high school this year…
From the other side of the family, my cousin Blaze

Brothers: Blaze and Quest

Blaze away!
Go grads!!!
Five cousins
Aunt Jayne, Sam, Ben, and Uncle Craig
Yes. He really is that tall. And we really are that short. Sarah and I were even wearing heels.
And just for kicks, here are the five of us four summers ago. The height gap between the guys and the girls has definitely increased since then. (Remember, "the girls" are wearing heels in today's pictures.)
L to R: Sarah, Beck, me, Ben, Sam
Groovy times!!!
And I'd be remiss if I didn't also mention I have another cousin who graduated from high school this year…
From the other side of the family, my cousin Blaze
Brothers: Blaze and Quest
Blaze away!
Go grads!!!
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
My friend made a comment yesterday that prompted me to pull out my sadly neglected journal. As I browsed through, one entry in particular caught my attention. It was from January. God knew I needed the reminder...again.
"Another very unexpected change of plans, and though I can speak easily of 'giving things to the Lord', I'm still human, weak, stubborn, and slow to learn.
"It's like the Lord said, 'Here, I'm giving you another chance to give something over to Me. I'm giving you another chance to trust, to rest in Me, to know the joy and peace of submission. I want you to have the opportunity to see how I can take a change, a disappointment, and turn it into a beautiful blessing.'
"And what do I do? Cry, 'No Lord! This isn't the way I want it! This wasn't in my plans! Why does it have to be like this? Why did this have to happen?'
"Why, indeed."
I close with two quotes from the next day's entry (both from the movie, "Beyond the Next Mountain").
"God's love is like the horizon. Wherever you go, it is right in front of you."
"What an amazing Christ! He never seeks for our approval, only for faith to believe He is at work. All is mystery. To put one's life in His hands is not to be led astray."
"Another very unexpected change of plans, and though I can speak easily of 'giving things to the Lord', I'm still human, weak, stubborn, and slow to learn.
"It's like the Lord said, 'Here, I'm giving you another chance to give something over to Me. I'm giving you another chance to trust, to rest in Me, to know the joy and peace of submission. I want you to have the opportunity to see how I can take a change, a disappointment, and turn it into a beautiful blessing.'
"And what do I do? Cry, 'No Lord! This isn't the way I want it! This wasn't in my plans! Why does it have to be like this? Why did this have to happen?'
"Why, indeed."
I close with two quotes from the next day's entry (both from the movie, "Beyond the Next Mountain").
"God's love is like the horizon. Wherever you go, it is right in front of you."
"What an amazing Christ! He never seeks for our approval, only for faith to believe He is at work. All is mystery. To put one's life in His hands is not to be led astray."
Monday, June 6, 2011
Weekend Fun
Jerry, Mia, and their kids have been a part of our church for several years now. Sometime ago we discovered that Mom was the same age as Mia's mom...and as simply as that, Mom "adopted" Mia as her daughter and these adorable kids as her grandkids. Which makes Rebecca, Sarah, and I aunties. And very devoted aunties, I will say. Can you blame us for loving these little munchkins to death?!
(I took the pictures when they were over Saturday evening.)

Merry, age 4
Don't you love her grin?!

Elijah, age 2

Playing with blocks is so much fun!

Jeremiah was smiling nicely only seconds before. "Don't move," I cried and grabbed the camera...this is what I got. Oh well.

"You're really big." - Jeremiah, age 6 (Yes, those are binoculars.)

Elijah's delighted exclamation on discovering this: "A fire twuck!!!"
His less-than-delighted exclamation on discovering chocolate peanut butter cookies: "It's very yucky." (complete with a look of revulsion on his cute little face)

So there you have it. Proof that I'm a proud "auntie". :)
Check this song out if you have a few minutes: "Year of Grace"
Now, onto the day. Laundry, cleaning, sewing, phone calls, and emails await. CHARGE!!! And Happy Monday to you!
(I took the pictures when they were over Saturday evening.)
Merry, age 4
Don't you love her grin?!
Elijah, age 2
Playing with blocks is so much fun!
Jeremiah was smiling nicely only seconds before. "Don't move," I cried and grabbed the camera...this is what I got. Oh well.
"You're really big." - Jeremiah, age 6 (Yes, those are binoculars.)
Elijah's delighted exclamation on discovering this: "A fire twuck!!!"
His less-than-delighted exclamation on discovering chocolate peanut butter cookies: "It's very yucky." (complete with a look of revulsion on his cute little face)
So there you have it. Proof that I'm a proud "auntie". :)
Check this song out if you have a few minutes: "Year of Grace"
Now, onto the day. Laundry, cleaning, sewing, phone calls, and emails await. CHARGE!!! And Happy Monday to you!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
One of God's promises
"...Open your mouth wide, and I will fill it." (Psalm 81:10b)
And fill it He has indeed. He never ceases to amaze me.
And fill it He has indeed. He never ceases to amaze me.
Thursday, June 2, 2011
A Surprise - from God
I love how God seems to delight in providing for me in the most unexpected ways. Sometimes it's not the big answers to prayer but the little things as I'm going about everyday life - things that I wouldn't even think to pray about or ask for - that grab my attention more. I have an awesome God.
"My God will meet your every need out of His riches in the glory that is found in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:19
Blessings, all! And Happy Thursday!
"My God will meet your every need out of His riches in the glory that is found in Christ Jesus." - Philippians 4:19
Blessings, all! And Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Blast from the Past...
I was going through pictures and came across these shots from my first semester of training. January 2010 - it seems so long ago and yet I remember like it was yesterday. Wow. God has brought me through a lot, I will say that.

Does the future ever look like this?!

I have to laugh when I stop to think…the place that scared me out of my wits less than two years ago is the very place I now fondly think of as "home". It gives me hope that the place I'm at right now in life will also be a greater blessing than I can imagine, and the very struggles that seem so immense today will be the clear proof of God's love somewhere down the road.

Life continues to be a journey. I haven't "arrived" yet, and this road God's taking me on has had many unexpected turns. But it's all so very worth it, because He is walking with me every step. And He loves me more than I can ever imagine.
Does the future ever look like this?!
I have to laugh when I stop to think…the place that scared me out of my wits less than two years ago is the very place I now fondly think of as "home". It gives me hope that the place I'm at right now in life will also be a greater blessing than I can imagine, and the very struggles that seem so immense today will be the clear proof of God's love somewhere down the road.
Life continues to be a journey. I haven't "arrived" yet, and this road God's taking me on has had many unexpected turns. But it's all so very worth it, because He is walking with me every step. And He loves me more than I can ever imagine.
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