"I just hope she doesn't go too far."
That comment was made in reference to the many changes God's grace has brought about in my life in the past year.
Actually, a couple years ago, my response to such changes would have been even more cynical: "She's gone too far! How can she be walking with the Lord when she's doing/not doing
x, y, or
I used to think that it was possible to get too carried away with all that "grace stuff". That is was possible to over-emphasize God's unconditional love for His children. I mean, after all, wouldn't that give people the idea that they don't have to be too careful about the way they live - that they can just do whatever they want? If people are constantly told that God loves them no matter what, where is the motivation for being good?
Wow, did I ever misunderstand grace! Yes, we are saved entirely on the basis of what Christ did - and the Father continues to love, accept, and work in our lives on the same basis. We aren't saved by grace only to live our Christian lives striving to put on a good show for God. We didn't begin by grace only to continue by works.
As grace began to do its amazing work in my heart, I felt uncomfortable at times. I asked myself if maybe,
just maybe, I was making a terrible mistake. Suppose I were to stand before God and He was to ask me, "Why did you stop doing all those things? I expected them of you." Was I leaving a deeper walk with Him for a shallow, deceptive "freedom"? Was I getting too worldly? Would I slowly lose touch with Him altogether?
But no, hallelujah, NO!!! It has been just the opposite. Grace removed the veil that kept me from seeing the Lord clearly. It has given me a new, deeper joy. It's a safeguard against sin.
Its immensity amazes every time I stop to think about it.
God, the eternal Maker of the universe, loves
me...in spite of all my wretchedness and failure and ugly pride. He doesn't stand aloof from His children; He holds out His arms and begs us to come when we are at our dirtiest, or weakest, or most faithless.
It will never take us "too far". Grace always draws us
near - near to our Father's heart, snuggled up in His love. Right where we need to be.