This is what the halls on third floor looked like a week ago. Actually, this picture doesn't even begin to capture the chaos spilling out into the hall as students cleaned and packed.
This is the blurry line of grads Saturday.
This is when I tried to get a picture of all the grads after the ceremony, but I waited too long. I was trying to be patient and not push through the crowd to get a shot, but maybe that was a bad strategy.
This is their class motto: Be who God declared you to be.
This is the senior class at Wayumi.
This is my new living room set-up. There are still a few little things that I'd like to do, but at least the furniture buying is over. Oh, and can I just say how thrilled I am with how comfy that loveseat is?
This is my snacking weakness: Cheez-its. Did you know it would take 1.1 quintillion Cheez-its to fill the Grand Canyon? I wonder how long it would take me to eat my way through 1.1 quintillion Cheez-its...
This is what ministry looks like sometimes - mountains and mountains of guest house laundry (and this doesn't count what was in the washer and dryer at the time). Nothing even remotely glamorous there. No seeming eternal significance. Just...laundry. And yet it's a very necessary part of running a guest house.
This is packing for my visit to West Africa...tomorrow! Eeeek!
This is because my neighbor-friend, Kayla, asked me to dry flowers she was given just before she left town.

And not pictured: the after-graduation bonfire Saturday night (with temperatures not far above freezing), the light dusting of snow (insanity!) waiting for us Sunday morning, the staff picnic tonight, the great study I had with Jackie (see the end of the my last post), or the way my brain has felt all week.
Speaking of how my brain has felt, I must keep pressing forward with my to-do list, or my brain will go into fits or possibly explode. Which I'd like to avoid.
So, until I return from sunny Africa!