Oh Lord, Your love
Is new in every morning
Your faithfulness
It gets me through the night
You bid me come
You know that I am weary
Your yoke is easy
Your burden is light- playing right now ("Oh Lord, Your Love")
So true. His love is here every morning. Experiencing the many different ways He shows that love makes me excited to see what He's going to do today.
Yesterday was a somewhat un-traditional Fourth of July.
To start, we had burgers. Very American, right? Actually, these weren't your typical American fare. They were Applebee's-inspired
quesadilla burgers. Quite tasty, in my opinion, but not exactly what the occasion calls for. And we didn't have watermelon - it was cantaloupe. Horrors! Who ever heard of a Fourth of July without watermelon?! But we did have homemade vanilla ice cream (along with peach pie). At least we did something right! And yes - we did go outside for awhile and "ooh" and "ahh" over the fireworks.
It was a good day, though. The quilt project is coming along well. I definitely enjoy working on it.
My idea to take some nice Fourth of July pictures for xanga didn't happen. Sorry.
Quite a large chunk of the day was consummed with working on a (long overdue) newsletter. I'd planned to use Proverbs 16:9, since it's been the story of my life this year. I guess I have a tendency to mentally check off lessons I believe I've sufficiently learned, and lest I make that mistake again, God gently redirected my steps yesterday. It wasn't anything big, and maybe it seems silly, but it was another proof that my Heavenly Father is deeply interested in my daily life.
Wow - burgers and quilts and God's faithfulness is kind of a crazy combination for a blog post...or is it? I don't know. That's
life, and I firmly believe God is involved in our entire lives. I also believe faith isn't something just for Sunday mornings, Wednesday Bible studies, or personal quiet time. Life was meant to be lived every moment in the awareness of GOD and who He is.
I sometimes stop long enough to ask, "Why, Lord? Why do You shower me with all these blessings and love me so much when I'm wretchedly undeserving?" But rather than try to understand it fully (which is impossible), I will simply rejoice in the love He shows me.
Hurray for another day!!! Happy Tuesday, friends!