Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Where was Rachel...

...exactly two years ago?  I was here.  I came out for an interview (on September 14th!) with the Student Life team.  It's a long story with some crazy twists and turns.

Looking back over the past two years, I couldn't have forseen much of what would take place. When I think of all the cool ways I've seen the Lord provide...all the dear, dear friends He's given me here...all the challenges and discouragement...all the surprises ("good" and "bad") along the way...I'm really not sure what to say.


I can do all things
Through Christ who gives me strength,
But sometimes I wonder what He can do through me
No great success to show, no glory on my own
Yet in my weakness He is there to let me know

His strength is perfect when our strength is gone
He'll carry us when we can't carry on
Raised in His power, the weak become strong
His strength is perfect, His strength is perfect

We can only know
The power that He holds
When we truly see how deep our weakness goes
His strength in us begins
Where ours comes to an end
He hears our humble cry and proves again


I first heard that song two years ago, the day before my interview.  And as fitting as it was then...I never dreamed how perfect it would be right now.  We can only know His power when we see how deep our own weakness goes.  Yes.  Yes.  Yes!!!

God is faithful through it all.  I'm so very glad that I'm His child and that He'll never, ever, EVER let go of me.

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