Halfway through the morning I realized I hadn't changed my weekly Bible study verse. I put it up on the board, and just imagine...
It was so very perfect for today.
He has blessed us - with a comfortable, easy life where everything goes the way we want? - no.
He has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in Christ. He's not withholding anything we need to live a fruitful, abundant life.
This is a bit of a side note, but speaking of not withholding, remember that provision from the Lord I mentioned last week? It has certainly had an effect on my prayers. Realizing (again) that His care for me isn't based on what I deserve and that He meets every need in His own time...well, it's taken away that desperate tone and given me boldness to ask Him about the things that concern me.
It's not every day that your refrigerator door falls off.
We were getting ready to leave for church Sunday evening and the silly door wasn't closing. It's been like that for a while - you go to swing it shut but it never closes all the way on its own. It needs a little nudge. Mom reached over to give a bit of (very gentle) help, and thump! Just like that, the whole thing fell off.
Oh, my!
I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. (Seriously, it was so ridiculous and dramatic - and it just HAD to happen as we were heading out the door!)
We got the door back on, and thankfully someone from church brought us a gigantic cooler that night...
It's inconvenient, yes. But not the end of the world. At least we have a way to keep our food cold. (I'm thinking ahead to the days on the mission field when I might be without refrigeration and trying not to complain about the relatively small inconvenience we are looking at now.)
So, until further notice...
Two "Before" shots of the yard...
The back half of this area will become our veggie garden this year. (That's the plan, anyway.)
And this strip along the fence? Flowers! (Remember all those seed packets?) We need a little color, a little pizazz back there.
I'm hoping to have some "After" pictures soon. :)
She likes the sunbeam. (This was from yesterday.)
Piles of laundry are also irresistible.
Ever notice how sometimes the same theme or book/passage comes up in almost everything? I've been noticing a lot of stuff from Ephesians popping up lately...and I'm thinking I should read through that book again soon. It's one of my favorites.
Anyway, last week someone sent me a note with Ephesians 3:16-19. I pinned it up on my corkboard, just 'cause I need the reminder.
The NLT puts Ephesians 3:17 this way: "...May your roots go down deep into the soil of God's marvelous love."
May your roots go down deep...into the soil of God's marvelous love.
Beautiful, isn't it? It goes right along with another verse I really like:
"...grow in grace..." - from 2 Peter 3:18
Perhaps I should connect all those thoughts better...but no, I think we'll just end there.
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