Once upon a time, there was a girl who liked to sew. She had a grand idea to make a set of potholders with some scraps she wanted to use.
She cut and pieced and sewed and ironed. The potholders ended up wonky and the binding was puckered in spots. She was so disheartened and embarrassed by the way they turned out that she couldn't bring herself to give them as a gift like she'd planned. "Well," she sighed inwardly, "I'm not perfect, so I shouldn't be surprised when the things I make aren't perfect."
She remembered the "only-God-is-perfect" quilts she'd made. So it wasn't the end of the world. It was okay to make mistakes. The potholders could be a reminder of that.
She tucked them away in a drawer with a smile, thinking she'd learned the lesson the Lord wanted her to.
It wasn't until several weeks later that she realized that she'd completely missed the point. The Lord didn't tuck imperfect people away, never to be used. He used them in spite of (indeed, because of) their imperfections.
So she pulled the potholders out of the drawer. They were meant to used. No, they weren't completely straight or even or pucker-free. But they could still add a splash of color to the kitchen table and protect it from hot dishes. They didn't have to be perfect potholders. They could be the "grace potholders".
Their very imperfections made them a reminder of grace.

Happy Monday ~ May your week be one of growing in grace!
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