Thursday, August 2, 2012

Dear _____,

(Thanks to Jenn DeAtley for the inspiration.) did you get here already?!

Snakes, wherever you are...thank you a million times for staying there.  I haven't seen a single one of you this summer.  (To which I can almost hear an evil whisper: "Next time you see one of our kind, you can thank us personally...")'ve probably given me high blood pressure and taken 15 years off my life by scaring me so many times, but you're a good boss. should see yourself in a mirror.  You're so funny!  Your swift movements and flicking tails are highly entertaining.  I think you're the cutest things! are one of my favorite spots at camp.

Redwood forest...I will miss your incredible greenness.

Water tanks and was really inconvenient that you had to break this weekend when we had all those people.  It made our Saturday rather stressful.  But I'm not mad at you, 'cause I got to spend two WHOLE DAYS (and three nights) at home since work was cancelled.

Youth group sitting in respectful attentiveness on the hard floor for inspire me.

Diners - at a camp, conference, or know that smiling gal (or guy) traipsing in and out of the kitchen?  She might have forgotten about your coffee, but more likely she's trying to take care of about five things at once.  Your patience and understanding is appreciated greatly.  (I say that from a positive perspective - the groups we've had this week are really a delight.)

Friend and former cleaning pal...oh, how I'd love to take a stroll (actually, "hike" is more like it) with you through these woods and talk, talk, talk.  And finish things off with a cup of steaming coffee.  (And talk some more.)

White cake with chocolate weren't supposed to be an upside-down cake.  (Yes, I dropped it on floor.  It landed just right...)

Windy mountain roads...I've really come to enjoy you.  The first time it was a little unnerving with all those blind curves, but now...piece of cake!  Or something.

Semi-truck that got stuck going around a turn on said roads...I hope you were able to get out.  And I'm really glad there was enough room for the rest of us to squeeze by you, because there sure weren't many other options!!

Lungs...I'm going to get you back into shape with running once I'm home.  Obviously, hiking these camp trails hasn't been enough.

Irish are beautiful.  Simply beautiful.

Favorite big sister of rock.  You really do.  I'm so excited to see how God is going to work in and through you at the Bible Institute.  I'm positive it'll be awesome!

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