Not a series of Christmas devotionals.
Not just about His birth.
Just a way for me - and hopefully for you - to pause during this time which is inevitably so busy and so full. To pause and really savor the most wonderful story of all.
You may be (or get) tired of Santa Claus and Jingle Bells and inflatable snowmen and shopping malls.
You may be just plain tired!
You may not celebrate Christmas, and Jesus probably wasn't born on December 25th. (I'm not here to argue opinions. If God thought it was that important for us to know, He'd have told us, right?)
This isn't about The Christmas Story.
This is about Grace: A story that starts before the world was even made. A story that is still being written today. Thirty-one days will hardly do it justice, but there's still a lot we can gain from reflecting on what God has done.
I do hope you'll join me here Just Life Along the Way for a month of pondering and celebrating God's grace.

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