The flowers are just so lovely that I can't keep myself from snapping shots of them...

Okay, so this is technically a weed.

But a pretty cool weed, if I do say so myself.

This is my current sewing project: a quilt for Mom. I'll post more pictures as it starts to take shape, but at least you get an idea of the colors.
It's been super-windy here off and on for the past two weeks. I've seen at least a few small trees that have fallen.
Allergy season is here and it's supposed to be one of the worst years in who-knows-how-long. Yay.
While I'm being random here, did you know spinach smoothies can actually be pretty good? I found a recipe that uses frozen peaches, fresh spinach, fresh ginger, honey, and water. Not bad. Oh, and it's healthy.
Lest you think spinach smoothies and green tea make me some sort of a health nut, I'll tell you that I'm very much looking forward to barbecuing hot dogs tomorrow.
I don't have any books I'm in the middle of right now which seems a little strange. I should fix that...
I've listened to this song probably twenty times in the last two days.
Work is going fine. My level of incompetence has decreased somewhat, and I've gotten to know more people. (Two very good things!)
Tonight I saw on FB that one of my friends is heading out tomorrow for her first term overseas. It made me a little teary 'cause we were in the same class and she's awesome and tomorrow she's going to be an ocean away. Hard to believe.

I think it's time for me to go. To bed.
Until next time...
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