Sorry it's blurry. It's super hard to get a picture of the whole thing.
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Baby goats:

I love baby goats! They have to be one of the cutest farm animals, hands down. These kids were only a few days old when I visited my friend the other weekend.

My friend's little sister. I think she's pretty cute too. :)

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So...I really think that celebrating mothers one day out of the year is just, well, not enough. My mom is amazing, and I'm thankful for her every day. Not perfect (and she would be the first to admit it), but definitely a hero and one of the most special gifts God has given me.
You can read about the best advice she's given me here.

Mom, I love you. You're the best!
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Other things on my mind:
Work. I have only two weeks of work left. Then a very busy Summer. Resist the urge to panic...
Senegal. What I sometimes feel like - WHAT AM I GETTING MYSELF INTO?!?
What I need to keep reminding myself - I have a Hero "who not only leads the way but also brings up the rear and holds [my] hands all at the same time." (from Grace for the Good Girl)
Heaven. I keep thinking how wonderful it will be to have no more good-byes. I think about my great-grandma Jennie (who I met for the first and only time last Fall) who passed away a couple months ago. I think about my grandma June, who is now saved. After years of prayer and tears and hoping...now we know. We know that she is safe in Jesus and we'll all be together with Him one day. My heart can't sing loud enough!

Sleep. I NEED MORE SLEEP!!! (The excessive capitalization is, I fear, a direct result of the afore-mentioned affliction.)
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Good night, my friends.
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