It was something I'd been looking forward all Summer: visiting Esther.
I arrived in Michigan last Monday (my first time that far North). My flight came in right in the middle of a tremendous thunder storm, much to my delight. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed a real, not-California-wimpy storm. The lightning was flashing almost continuously for a good part of the way home from the airport. I love, love, LOVE thunderstorms.
When we finally out-ran (out-drove?) the storm, it was getting dark, and the fireflies were out in full force. I have never seen so. many. fireflies. It was almost unreal. Of course, we don't have them here in California, but Missouri has them. I never saw more than a few at a time, though.
The scenery was, dare I say, much lovelier than I expected. I'm not exactly sure what I expected from that part of Michigan, but it definitely exceeded my expectations. It was green, green, green. And in contrast to Missouri, it wasn't just green, there were bursts of color from wildflowers everywhere. Seeing God's creation so wonderfully displayed does me good. I'm a nature girl through and through. :)
When we got home, the first thing I noticed when I got out of the car...the humidity. It hits you like a wall. I distracted myself from the humidity by catching a firefly. I was successful on the first attempt, and, as if to congratulate me, the little guy flashed enthusiastically several times.
(Side note: I realize that I almost invariably refer to the place I am currently sleeping at night as "home", whether I'm there for a night or a week or a year. Unless it's a hotel. But I don't stay in those very often. :) California will always be "home" home for me, but in conversation, home is where I'm sleeping for the night. Now you know.)
Esther's apartment is charming and homey and I should have taken pictures, but I didn't. I meant to be good about pictures this trip, but the reality is I took exactly four. On the last day. Before we left for the airport. (See photo at top.) Anyway, it was super fun to see her place in person and get a tour of the Bible school she works at.
It was hot the whole week. And humid. And did I mention it was hot?
She was working on some painting at the school (in very UN-air conditioned rooms), so I hung out with her while she was doing that. And felt thoroughly lazy sitting on the couch with my laptop. Thankfully, she also had work to do in the air conditioned office. :) That was much more pleasant.
Because it was so hot, we didn't really feel like doing a whole lot (plus she was working hard already!), but we did go to her ladies' Bible study one evening, and took a drive to a cute little plant shop another evening. Both enjoyable.
Being away from home and my normal routine gave me a chance to think more. To journal more. To hear the Lord a bit more clearly. ...All of which I am thankful for. God knows exactly what we need, from time to be still, to that particular week's lesson at the ladies' Bible study, to an encouraging reminder taped inside a cabinet.
I think He even likes to do little things like sending thunderstorms to for us enjoy. And yes, there was a second storm while I was there - the night before I left. Again, lightning every couple seconds and good, hearty rolls of thunder.
On a somewhat more humorous note, we had a rather memorable wildlife encounter. I woke up in her bedroom (where she had been letting me sleep) one morning to discover Esther on the floor covered in a blanket. I had a split second of, What in the world is she doing there?! before she whispered, "There's a bat in the apartment." It had flown past her when she was walking from the living room. The words startled and adrenaline would be appropriate. Anyway, there she was in the bedroom - half-covered in the blanket, door safely closed, and trying to decide what to do. An older guy on staff at the school ended up coming over and catching the thing for us. (After searching the whole apartment unsuccessfully at first.) It definitely was laughable afterwards (although I may or may not have been laughing during the incident), it definitely made a good story, and it definitely was the most unusual way I've been woken up in a long time!!
At the end of the week, I wished I could hit some magical "rewind" button, not because I wanted to change the way it went (except maybe the temperatures), but because I wished the time wasn't over. No matter how many times I do it, I still hate good-byes, and this one was especially hard. She is such a dear friend, and saying good-bye for four years...?
Oh, me. Look at the time. I should be asleep by now.
No, really. I should.
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