Home is where your story begins.
Home is not a place, it's a feeling.
There are all kinds of sentiments out there about what home is. It's something that I've thought a lot about in the last couple months, mostly thanks to the move here.
People ask me where home is sometimes...and it's funny to me. Usually, in this context, they mean, "Where are you from?"
Easy. California. In a sense it'll always be home; it's where I spent all of my childhood and it's where my parents and sisters still live.
But it doesn't feel entirely like home anymore.
In just a month, I'm going back to Senegal for a visit. That was home at one point, too. Home enough that - in spite of all the challenges - leaving was very difficult.
But that isn't home anymore, either.
Sometimes I wonder how I'd describe home and what actually determines where (or what) that is. I don't know that I necessarily agree with three statements above.
The fact is that every place God has brought me to has eventually become home, if only for a little while. And maybe any place can be home if we choose to accept it as such. If we choose to be all there wherever God leads us, maybe that's home.
I don't know. Just thinking. :)
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Some of life (in "Home Sweet Home") right now -

Kayla, my next-dorm-neighbor, gave me half a dozen plantlets the other week (so sweet!). I got them to root in water...

...and then turned my kitchen into a potting station.

I added a couple pots to my apartment collection and took the others down to my office.

Have I told y'all how much I love plants?

I have really been enjoying the ladies study at church. We're going through a book called Jonah: Navigating a Life Interrupted (which I'd highly recommend). I went through this study at a ladies retreat when I was in Missouri ('way back in 2010!), and it's been so cool to go through it again. Obviously I'm at a completely different point in life than I was then, and just seeing the growth and change in perspective that the Lord has brought about since then is so encouraging to me.

My new kitchen table and chairs. The picture is lame, but the table is really lovely. Exactly what I was hoping to find.

Oh, and then there's this part of life.

I may have left nephews in Senegal and California, but happily there are still adorable little boys in my life and I'm so glad I get to claim them.

Spring has come! Almost overnight, it seemed, the trees just burst into bloom. And I cannot even begin to express how happy I am to see tulips in bloom. (So happy, apparently, that I forgot to take pictures.)

Daily walks are now possible (without the risk of freezing, I mean). It hardly seems possible that only a week passed between this picture and one with a thick blanket of snow covering everything.

The office has a few more frames now...

...and a couple plants. The three frames on the right are ones I made with fabric I brought back from Senegal.
And that's all for today, friends!
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