Cozy living room, some of my favorite people, a couch big enough for all of us, a funny bedtime story...
So many things to love.
Tulips are the most delightful flower.
January's read: Praying with Paul, recommended by a coworker.
Prayer is definitely an area I want/need to grow in, so I've been looking forward to this book.
I introduce you to Tradescantia zebrina.
(What a cool name, right?!) A student gave it to me, and I'd been
trying to figure out what it was. Fortunately, when my own
horticultural knowledge runs out, I have a friend whose family owns a
greenhouse business...
Due to the massive heat wave of 40°-ish, the snow is melting again.
Today the neighborhood was also blanketed in a layer of fog that made things feel sleepy and cozy.
It also makes me think of a scene from Get Smart and this one random line my sisters and I always liked to say when it got foggy...
"London Palladium?"
It's probably funnier if you've seen the scene. :)

At the little local crêperie for Kayla's birthday. Oh, they have such good crepes.
And she's a great friend.
It's something worth celebrating when your coworkers are also some of your dearest friends.
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