Monday, February 28, 2011

Two are better than one

It sure makes work detail more entertaining.  The conversations are wonderful.  This afternoon (a typical one), we were all over the place - our families, classes, broken water pipes, church history, California stereotypes, tomato hornworms, coffee, books we grew up reading... (I think only two girls could talk about so many drastically different subjects in that amount of time.)

And guess what?!  I finally found someone who has read my childhood favorite, "Evangelists in Chains".  I was a rather extreme bookworm, especially when it came to this book.  There was a time when I'd literally read it every day.  By that I mean that I'd start with page one in the morning, and by the time I went to bed, I'd have read the whole 300-odd pages.  And then do the same thing the next day.  And the next day.  And the next day...  But I'd never known anyone outside my family who'd read it - until today.  Talking about it with Michelle made me want to read it again.  Three cheers for Peter!!!  And Lucas and Casper and Ursula and the rest of the "brethren"!  (I'm purposely not telling you more of the story in hopes that your curiosity will be piqued enough to check out the book for yourself.)

Well, all good things come to an end, they say.  On to homework!

Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well, I had this clever little line running through my head this morning: "Home is where the coffee is."  Funny thing was, our Sunday School lesson today was called "A home for the homeless".  Of course home is so much more than just a place to get coffee.  I thought of Mom's hug when I walked in the door two days before Christmas.  I thought back to January when I walked into my apartment after a long day of traveling.  Even though you could tell it hadn't been lived in for the few weeks over break, I still let out a happy sigh - "I'm home again."  I thought of walking back from classes the day we got our first snow this semester - the cold wind stung my face, but I could have jumped for joy because it meant I was home again.  Home.  But then I thought some more.  The single most meaningful picture that springs to mind when I hear the word "home" is my Heavenly Father's open arms.  A place that no matter what happens, I can run to.  A place that no matter what the circumstances, I can find peace, joy, acceptance.  A place my heart longs for amid the busy life I often force upon myself.  Home.
So I was feeling all spiritual as Esther and I chatted on the way back from church.  The thoughts running through my mind seemed perfect for a nice, encouraging Sunday post.  We got back. I walked up the hill.  At the doorway of our apartment, I was met by my roommate and her fiancé.  And half an inch of water covering our apartment floor.

WELCOME TO REAL LIFE!!!!!  It was as though God was saying, "I know it's so easy for you to feel spiritual in the comfort of the pews at church, or when you're talking with a friend.  But how serious are you about walking with Me when you run into life's realities?"  Deep breath...yes, Lord, thank You for that reminder.

Working frantically with brooms and dustpan - and then towels - we managed to get almost all of the water out.  Of course, such energetic sweeping and wringing of water-logged towels for a good 30-40 minutes was NOT what I had in mind for a restful Sunday afternoon.  I just may be sore tomorrow.  But happily, it wasn't worse.  Nothing was ruined except a few boxes of books.  Miraculously, even our wireless router and modem which had been sitting on the floor - and were actually dripping water - still work.  And nobody's laptop had been left on the floor.  And it happened on a day when it was 61° outside instead of 21°.  See?  God is good.  It's all about perspectives.  We can choose to look at circumstances, and we'll always find something to complain about.  Or we can choose to look at the Lord, and we will never lack reasons to be thankful.

So begins week number seven.  And you know what?  I think I'm going to make a cup of coffee.  And maybe just spend some time quietly thanking God for His presence in my life.  He really is the truest meaning of "home" for me.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

A milestone


My first time making coffee in my own apartment with my own coffee maker - thanks to the package that just arrived from home.  Quite a historic occasion (uh, the coffee, not the package).  Thank you, Mom!!!

Hurray for coffee!

Friday, February 25, 2011

Another Friday

"I see little white things floating down from the sky.  Anybody know what they're called?"  A classmate: "Your imagination."

Yup, yesterday it was pouring rain - today, a very light sprinkling of snow.  It wasn't even cold enough to stick.  Missouri weather is SO strange!  Tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 60's.  We'll see.

But heartwarming things can happen in spite of the weather - today Jeannette had a gift for me.  She was digging around in her pocket and I teased, "What do you have there in your pocket, Jeannette?"  "Here, this is for you," she replied with an extremely pleased look on her face.  It was one of those little pastel heart candies.  (It said "No way".  Wonder if that had any significance?!  No, knowing Jeannette, probably not.)  Adorable, wasn't it?  At one point, I had to get up from the table, and she wanted to make real sure I didn't forget it.  I assured her I wouldn't, and she sweetly offered, "I'll hold it for you."  It was never seen again.  She did give me one of the candies she won playing Bingo, though.

Our outreach team had a potluck tonight and that was a lot of fun.  We have a few people who are quite the entertainers!  One of the guys there reminds me SO much of my cousin.  It was a little a good way, since my cousin is AWESOME, but weird nonetheless.  The kids were fun and the food was wonderful too.  A good night was had by all.  The evening ended on a hilarious note when my friend got her hand smacked by our former grammar teacher for making a remark about his dislike for dogs.  Who would have thought that a jolly Santa Claus-type could do such a thing?!  To someone as sweet and lovable as...well, we won't mention names.

I'm interested to see what the weekend holds.  Maybe I'll finish the homework and chores and letters early enough to do something fun.  Maybe.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

So after classes, I walked in the door feeling:

Like a wet puppy.  Yes, it started raining while we were in classes - and I hadn't brought my rain jacket.

Like I just had a truckload of gems dumped on me, and now I'm trying to figure out what to do with everything.  Classes are great.  I love my teachers!  Sometimes, it's just too much good stuff and my brain feels like it's on overload.

Rather hungry and shaky.  Tuna quesadillas sound awesome right now.  :)

Oh, and did I mention it would be a perfect day for coffee?!  (Thinking of you, Mom!)  Or baking.  Happily, both are in the plan for the rest of the day!

Happy Thursday, everyone!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Happy Wednesday!

"O death, where is your sting?
O hell, where is your victory?
O Church, come stand in the light
The glory of God has defeated our night...
Our God is not dead - He's alive, He's alive!"
Seriously, who feels like sitting in a chair and working on homework after that?

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


"Wait" by Russell Kelfer

Desperately, helplessly, longingly, I cried;
Quietly, patiently, lovingly, God replied.
I pled and I wept for a clue to my fate . . .
And the Master so gently said, "Wait."

"Wait?  You say wait?" my indignant reply.
"Lord, I need answers, I need to know why!
Is Your hand shortened?  Or have You not heard?
By faith I have asked, and I'm claiming Your Word.

"My future and all to which I relate
Hangs in the balance, and You tell me to wait?
I'm needing a 'yes', a go-ahead sign,
Or even a 'no' to which I can resign.

"You promised, dear Lord, that if we believe,
We need but to ask, and we shall receive.
And Lord, I've been asking, and this is my cry:
I'm weary of asking!  I need a reply."

Then quietly, softly, I learned of my fate,
As my Master replied again, "Wait."
So I slumped in my chair, defeated and taut,
And grumbled to God, "So, I'm waiting for what?"

He seemed then to kneel, and His eyes met with mine . . .
And He tenderly said, "I could give you a sign.
I could shake the heavens and darken the sun.
I could raise the dead and cause mountains to run.

"I could give all you seek and pleased you would be.
You'd have what you want, but you wouldn't know Me.
You'd not know the depth of My love for each saint.
You'd not know the power that I give to the faint.

"You'd not learn to see through clouds of despair;
You'd not learn to trust just by knowing I'm there.
You'd not know the joy of resting in Me
When darkness and silence are all you can see.

"You'd never experience the fullness of love
When the peace of My spirit descends like a dove.
You would know that I give, and I save, for a start,
But you'd not know the depth of the beat of My heart.

"The glow of My comfort late into the night,
The faith that I give when you walk without sight.
The depth that's beyond getting just what you ask
From an infinite God who makes what you have last.

"You'd never know, should your pain quickly flee,
What it means that My grace is sufficient for thee.
Yes, your dearest dreams overnight would come true,
But, oh, the loss, if you missed what I'm doing in you.

"So, be silent, My child, and in time you will see
That the greatest of gifts is to truly know Me.
And though oft My answers seem terribly late,
My most precious answer of all is still . . . Wait."

He doesn't want to give me answers; He wants to give me Himself.  How it must break His heart when I insist that no, answers are what I want. Elisabeth Elliot wrote, "It is in our acceptance of what is given that He gives Himself."  Well said.

Oh Lord, please don't let me get so desperate for an answer that I miss knowing You.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Time for an adjustment

An attitude adjustment, that is.  This morning started out dreary and rainy. It matched my mood rather well.  Without classes today, I had no reason to rush out the door.  Sitting at the kitchen table, I was trying to read my Bible – didn’t even touch my cup of tea – but instead I started griping, “I have a day off and nothing exciting to do.  Seriously, so-and-so is doing that and so-and-so is going there…and why do they have to have all the fun?  I’m stuck here and I can’t even do anything outside because it’s raining.  And my house is a mess again…but I don’t feel like cleaning it because it’ll just be dirty the next time I turn around…And the situation that’s been going on for months that I thought would be taken care of by now is still unresolved, but it’s looking worse and worse…And that stupid smoke alarm has been beeping for a WEEK and it’s starting to drive me crazy…My mind is just a complete haze right now…And I have a headache AGAIN…”  (I know, it sounds so ugly once you realize what you’re actually thinking.)

Suddenly, a thought from last week flashed into my mind: “Discontentment leaves us vulnerable to temptation.”  I sat up straighter and wondered, “Yikes!  Haven’t I already yielded to temptation?  I’ve been telling God how lousy my day is going to be instead of thanking Him for giving me another day.”  And the weight lifted from my shoulders.  The headache was still there.  The mess was still there.  Everything else was the same.  But my perspective was radically different.  Like going to the chiropractor – one snap and you feel like a new person.  (At least, so I’ve been told.)  God is so faithful to speak to me and bring my attention back to HIM.

After all, life shouldn’t sound like a funeral dirge when it was meant to be a song.

Since I had extra time on my hands today...

The monstrosity lurking in our mud room.  I keep the door closed and try to pretend that it's not there.

Inspired by a friend's e-mail, I lit a candle this morning.  Mmm, cinnamon...And that's the view from my kitchen window.

Proof that I DO clean my bathroom.

I didn't burn the beans this time.

Work detail is not without its kicks.  We found this old t-shirt in our rag supply today.  Michelle's comment: "Rachel, that shirt really fits you."


I've got my song back now.

"Lord, I'm amazed by You and how You love me..."

Sunday, February 20, 2011

So many questions. One answer.

How did I ever make it to this point in my life?

What it is that can hold me up through every circumstance?

Where can I find joy when everything seems to be going the wrong way?

What gives me a reason to smile at the future when I don't have a clue what it holds?

Why do I get the privilege of knowing God personally when I deserve nothing but eternal judgment?

How is that I, a wretchedly sinful girl, can call the Maker of the Universe Father?

How can God keep forgiving me when I mess up so many times?

How can He love me when I walk away from Him?

Why is that, no matter how rebellious I've been, His arms are always open for me to run back to?

There's only answer: grace.  This song says it so beautifully.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Today is the day You have made...

...I will rejoice and be glad in it!

It's not even noon and already the day has been!  I can't come with the exact word I want, but that does the trick.

Meeting with my prayer partner over a cup of tea was a real encouragement.  It always is.  Time in fellowship and prayer are sweet.

On my walk back home, a pick-up rumbled past and stirred up a cloud of dust.  It took a second to register in my brain, but then I felt like exclaiming, Dust!  Hallelujah!!!  I am really surprised that the roads dried out this fast after all the snow.  I was bracing myself for weeks of non-stop mud.  Of course, the dust brings its own challenges, but I'm not going to complain.

After I got back, I picked up reading in a book one of my friends and her husband lent me this Sunday - Law and Grace: A study of New Testament concepts as they relate to the Christian life.  It's written by Alva J. McClain.  Fascinating read!  Here are a few quotes. "The sacrifice prescribed by the law did indeed bear witness to a way of salvation, but that way was wholly outside and apart from the law (Romans 3:21)."  Later, in the same chapter, he states, "Actually, then, the law can save no sinner...As a matter of fact, Calvary itself should make this clear to all, 'for if righteousness comes by the law, then Christ died in vain' (Galatians 2:21)."  Very well said.

"For I know He's the Son of the Highest, and I know that His victory is won, and the song of His glorious returning rises up on the wings of the dawn!"  The words of this song have been running through my head all morning.  Thinking about how Jesus could come back today excites me so much that I feel like jumping up from my chair and breaking into song!

And right now the smell of a good pot of beans is wafting through the house.  I shall try not to burn them this time.  You think that might be hard to do, and yes it is - but I'm very talented.  This week I burned my pot of beans's a long story.  It all started with coffee.  Two dear friends were involved.  As far as I'm concerned, they are equally guilty - although, in all honesty it's really no one's fault but my own.

So ends week five.  It's scary to see how fast time is flying.  And yet, life retains an exhilaration because I know that whatever the Lord brings to me will be awesome.  I'm looking forward to seeing what He'll do in the coming days and weeks!  Thank You, Jesus, for the privilege of walking by Your side!


Less than an hour later, there came a sound from the wooded hills and it swept into our was the sound of pouring rain.  So good-bye dust and hello mud!

Friday, February 18, 2011

Three Cheers for Teamwork

In all honesty, being part of various teams here in training has been one of the biggest learning experiences - and one of the biggest blessings.  I'm so glad God put me on the teams that He has.  I've learned a lot about the Lord, about others - and yes, about myself (necessary, though not always pleasant) - that I would not have seen if I was on my own for everything.

In our culture/language learning practicum, our class is divided up into teams.  The are four others on my team, and I seriously couldn't have asked for a better team.  Teamwork really is a beautiful thing.  Each of us brings different strengths to the table.  One person has the knack for coming up with really insightful questions.  Another person takes charge of compiling team plans and does a beautiful job.  Someone else jumps in and keeps conversations from lagging.  Still another takes care of the technical side by recording and taking pictures for future reference.  When one of us can't think of how to explain something or answer a "sticky" question, we have four others who can help us out. I n one area, one of us might have more of a rapport with our language helper, but another is sure to connect in a different way.  We have the benefit of five different personalities and perspectives as we tackle the overwhelming task of diving into a new culture.  We know that we can depend on each other - and whatever happens, we're in it together.  Believe me, that is a HUGE comfort!  I love my team.

Each of us students are part of a community outreach team (there are about two dozen different teams).  I have the privilege of visiting a local nursing home with my wonderful friend and classmate Esther.  She is a joy to just be around, so going to the nursing home with her is definitely a blast.  Shared experiences - laughter or sorrow - always provide a common bond, no?  And believe me, there is plenty of laughter.  Today, Jeannette told me she wanted someone to protect her.  From what, she did not specify.  "Well, I'm sitting here with you," I offered.  Her face broke into a grin.  "Yeah," she chuckled.  I chuckled too.  Soft-spoken Marjorie called out to me from across the room at one point, "Your hair looks really pretty today!"  So cute.  And then there's Dixie.  She is such a kick!  She's partially deaf and told me once, "Never let a deaf person start talking.  They'll never stop!"  Then she laughed merrily and proceeded to tell me all about her dogs...and how much fun dogs shows are...and how when I had a family of my own, I must be sure to get dogs because the shows are so wonderful for the children...and so forth.  But some people are just so bubbly and fun you don't care if they talk your ear off.  Today I overheard her telling Esther, "You're an interesting person!"  What fun memories!

And finally, my work detail team...I've been blessed with a different girl to work with each semester.  The first semester it was my friend Rachel, who I also went to church with.  One of the benefits of tagging along with her so much was that everyone remembered my name.  Last semester it was dear friend Susie.  We had way too much fun working together.  I would give you more details, but I've been sworn to secrecy.  This semester it's new friend, fellow Californian, and hopefully future walking partner (nudge, nudge!) Michelle.  I honestly enjoy our hours spent together so much that I get excited at the thought of cleaning bathrooms.  It's one of the highlights of my week.  For real.

So there you have it.  Three cheers for teamwork!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

I have a bunch of random thoughts running through my mind right now, aching to be put down. I’ve been told that random conversations, etc., are something that females do a lot.  And so if there was ever any doubt in that department, I shall proceed to remove that by being very random in this post.  :)  I trust you’ll be able to follow…somehow.

This morning, I was kind of in a “funk”…I didn’t feel like walking, so I didn’t.  (It would have been a beautiful morning to.)  Shamefully, I didn’t even feel like reading my Bible.  But I picked it up anyway and began to read where I’d left off – 1 John 3.  The first words of the chapter leaped off the page at me: “BEHOLD, WHAT MANNER OF LOVE THE FATHER HATH BESTOWED UPON US.”  Man, I just sat there and thought about that for a while.  John is saying, “Look at this love that the Father has given us!”  And so I did.  I never got past the first three verses, and again I’m left speechless in the face of His love for me.


There’s something incredibly heart-warming about your favorite two-year-old calling out across the classroom, “Bye bye, Rachel” when he’s about to leave with his dad.  :)


A shocked “tribal woman” to three single girls: Your mothers let you come all the way over here without a husband?


It’s so hard to believe that only a week ago the temperatures were below 0°.  It got up to 73° yesterday and before classes today it was already 57°.  Just for perspective, in one week, the temperature ranged from more than 40° below freezing to more than 40° above freezing - all during the daytime.  Yes, the sun has conquered most of the snow.  What remains to be conquered is the mud.  That will come with time, although the magical combination of sun and wind is already at work.  Hurray!


State of the house: tolerable mess.  That will have to change, though, because we’re having company tonight.  An awesome staff couple – the kind you just feel incredibly privileged to know.  It will be great!


Yesterday, I got a hand-written letter from a dear older couple in Jefferson City (where I went to church last year).  Mail is so fun!


I’ve been known to have a problem leaving out words in a sentence.  Apparently I do that not only when I write, but also when I talk.  While we were cleaning, Michelle asked me who a certain person standing outside was.  I replied quickly, “Oh, that’s my roommate’s fiancé’s roommate.”  At least that’s what I thought I said.  I couldn’t figure out why Michelle was looking at me funny until she said, “Rachel, you realize that you said your fiancé’s roommate?”  “No, no, no! I  meant my roommate’s fiancé’s roommate!”  She wouldn’t let me forget it.  Moral of the story: make sure your brain is fully engaged before you open your mouth to speak (no pun intended, honestly – I started to write this and realized the double meaning, but decided the irony was rather humorous).


Imagine you’re with several friends/fellow missionaries and you go visiting in a village.  Your hostess offers you a bottle of obviously dirty water (i.e. bits of bark floating around in it) and won’t take “no” for an answer, even though you try every possible polite excuse you can think of.  Finally, one of your braver teammates asks, “May I have some?”  The bottle is passed to her, and she takes a gulp.  Then your hostess passes the water to the pregnant lady on your team, and you cringe for her.  And then the bottle is thrust into your own hands.  With effort, you temporarily squash everything you know about germs and cross-contamination, lift the bottle to your lips, and take a sip before it is shared among the remaining members of your team.  What would YOU do???


And finally…

Introducing the newest fixture in my kitchen. Isn’t it a beauty?

Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Thank You, Jesus!

At our Tuesday E-Linc lunch, we talked about how discontentment can lead us into temptation.  I looked back over the past few hours.  My thoughts were, It was a good morning...I got my floor swept and laundry done before classes.  But wait!  I wasn't able to get part of my homework done because my keyboard wasn't working right.  And the burnt smell of last night's dinner disaster still hung in the apartment.  And I was totally lost in class and couldn't even think well enough to take notes like I should have.  And that bag of sorry-looking oranges on the counter at home really annoys me.  And...and I guess maybe it wasn't such a good morning after all.

It's crazy, but with a world of things to be thankful for, how much time do I waste complaining or getting irritated at petty little things?  Oh, what I do to myself and those around me when I choose to focus on what doesn't go my way.  And what joy I could spread when I spend time thanking the Lord for what's He given me.

Simple things.  The beauty of a sunrise.  The warmth of the sun.  A variety of food that is tasty and fresh.  The joyful, carefree laughter of children playing outside.  A friend who can sense you're stressed and just put an understanding arm around you.  Time spent with dear sisters in Christ.  The chance to live life in the presence of the Lord.

Even a wilting flower that says someone was thinking of me.

Or...a new coffee pot.  It was free, too.  (Did I ever tell you how much I've come to like coffee?!  Well, maybe sometime I'll tell you how I really feel.)

Life is good with the Lord.  Thank You, Jesus - for everything.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Monday!

Whew! I haven't walked those hills for two weeks, thanks to the snow and ice.  It felt good, though.

Ah, the fresh morning air...a zillion glorious stars against the dark sky...the sound of fellow walkers' voices carrying clearly across the distance...the smell of someone's shampoo as I go past the Wash House...the sweet "good morning" from a nameless bird somewhere in the woods...the faintest streaks of dawn in the east.

Morning walks are great.  :)  The only thing missing is a partner.

Now, on to the day!  I can't wait to see what it will hold.

Happy Monday, all!


The drip, drip, drip of melting snow.  Lots of mud.  And a lovely rose in my mailbox.  How sweet!  I'd forgotten just how much I enjoy flowers (and plants in general).

Now you know!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Loved. Forgiven. Overcome.

That sums up my state pretty well right now.  Life can get so busy and frustration - with myself or with others - mounts quickly.  Then the Lord gently turns me to face Him, and I find myself overcome once again by His love.  Sometimes, like this morning in church, I sit there thinking about how much He loves me, trying to understand how such love is even possible.  But I can't.  I'm just overwhelmed.  And then the tears want to come.  (I find that happening as I see more and more of God's character become reality in my life.)  I have seen so much of my own weakness, unfaithfulness, and ugly pride, but God never stops at revealing my sin.  He always reminds me of HIS love, HIS faithfulness, HIS forgiveness.  And words fail me.  No words or song or sermon can ever fully convey the greatness of our God and Savior.  It has to be experienced.

On that note, one Sunday morning several weeks back, someone sang a song I'd never heard before.  I must say, if there was ever a song written just for me, this is it.  In my foolishness and pride, I'd tried to handle a situation by myself.  It was too big.  I had no idea what to do.  And though I begged God over and over for an answer, He seemed completely silent.  Only He knows the tears and the pain and the dark nights of confusion.  I thought I was running to Him, and I wondered why He just wouldn't answer my prayer for help.  I KNEW He was there - somewhere.  So desperately I was trying to "find Him" - or I thought I was - and I couldn't.  One night, it was as though something made me turn and look back for just a glance.  In that moment I saw so clearly that God, my Heavenly Father, hadn't been hiding Himself from me.  No, He was longing for me to come to Him.  And He wasn't sitting back on His dignity waiting for me to realize my mistake.  He was running to me.  God.  The all-powerful, all-knowing, unchanging Maker of the universe.  Not standing off in the distance waiting for His prodigal child.  Running to me, because He loved me so much and wanted me to be with Him.  My mind cannot begin to take in the immensity of His love or forgiveness.  But I know it's real, and it will never fail.

God's love never leaves us where it found us.  Aren't you glad for that?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Anatomy of a Friday

It was a simply glorious morning!  Fourteen degrees below freezing, yes, but I could feel the sun!  We have chapel every Friday, which is always a great start to the morning.  After chapel, we meet in our small groups - known as E-Linc - for coffee, tea, treats, and stimulating discussions.  It's definitely a highlight of my week.  Then, we only have two class periods after that instead of the usual four.  It's all so very nice I find myself lulled into thinking, "Okay, the week is winding down.  Next big thing on the agenda is the weekend." :)

...Until the clock strikes noon.  Suddenly, I launch into "Panic" mode.  Fridays have historically been my busiest day of the week here at school: a hasty lunch after classes, an hour of cleaning, leaving for the nursing home at 1:40.  (Don't forget the time it takes to walk from one place to another!)  My friend and I would spend a couple of hours there and then do our grocery shopping on the way home.  Usually, we'd get back close to 5:00.  Only this semester, I also have class for an hour in the afternoon from 1:20-2:20.  AND it's a longer walk to our new classroom.

As soon as classes let out today, I went straight to the Wash House to start cleaning.  I was feeling so scattered as we rushed around cleaning.  Looking up at the timer, I found myself thinking, "Twenty more minutes.  I can do this."  Then the Lord reminded me, "No, you can't get this done.  Not by yourself.  But it's alright.  I specialize in working through weakness."  And peace came over me in spite of the craziness.

I'm not Superwoman.  And it's okay.  I don't have to be, because my God is bigger and more powerful than my circumstances or inabilities.  The more difficult things seem, the more I realize my need to rely on Him.  That has been a painful yet blessed thing to see.

Anyway, after cleaning, I went back to class - managed to eat something in between! - and then up to the apartment to grab a few things before meeting Esther to go the nursing home.  It was the first time I'd been back this semester.  Jeannette, one of my favorite ladies, lit up when she saw me.  As she was wheeled over to the table where I was sitting, she said, "Rachel, I'm so glad to have you as a friend!"  She was grinning from ear to ear.  And you know what?  That made it all worthwhile.

So, at the end of the day, it's all good.  Not always easy.  Not always fun.  Sometimes a little on the wild side.  But with Jesus, every single moment is worth living.  He is so awesome!!!!!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Color of the Day


White is the official color of the day!  It was everywhere this morning: the ground, the roofs, the cars, the air (the wind was blowing snow from trees, roofs, etc.), the hills, the snow pants my friend wore...and my eyelashes and bangs.  Yup, it was that cold.  The temperature was -13° this morning when I walked to classes.  So the condensation from my breath wafted up a few inches and stopped, frozen on my bangs.  The wind stung my eyes and made them water.  But the tears barely made it past my eyelids before crystallizing on my eyelashes - and then they wanted to stick together.  It wasn't until I saw my reflection in the glass door of our classroom that I realized how cold it was.  Both my bangs and my eyelashes were COMPLETELY white!  I must admit it rather startled me.  (I had to remind myself - Girl, you're not in CA anymore!)

On the bright side of things, the sun is shining (no pun intended), the birds are singing, and warmer weather is on its way.  Oh, and I've yet to get frostbite or hypothermia, so that's nice.  I've got a little homework for the afternoon, and some phone calls to make.  Then it'll be coffee in the evening at a friend's.  Have I mentioned how much I like coffee???  No actually, not "like".  Love.  I mean, really love.  Coffee...well, it's awesome.  Especially when it's Mom's signature blend.  I can just smell it now.

So long, friends!  Thanks for stopping by.  And until next time, "Fare Thee Well" from my very white world!

P.S. For those who care to know, I found out yesterday that our official on-campus measurement of last week's snowfall (in one day) came to a whopping 21 inches.  What can I say?!  This is SO not CA!

From last week (standing on the back porch)...

From yesterday afternoon (taken just behind our aparment)...

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

One little note

It was one of those mornings.  You know, the kind of morning when you wake up feeling more tired than when you went to bed.  The kind when your brain feels as cloudy as the snowy winter sky.  When you can feel the headache coming on and the day has just begun.  Yes, it was just one of those mornings.

And then - there was an e-mail from a classmate.  Subject line: for my sister.  I opened the e-mail, expecting it to be a prayer request or something.  No, it was just a simple word of encouragement.  But it completely changed my outlook on the day ahead.  It never ceases to amaze me how one person in tune with God's heart can totally make a difference in someone else's day.  And I had to ask myself, how often do I take the time to listen to the Lord's prompting?  How often do I take the time to be that encourager?

Well, the headache didn't go away, but the day did get better.  The test we had this morning went much better than I expected.  Until last night, I had been facing it with the same amount of dread I'd have had facing an Algebra test (and for those who know me well, that's a considerable amount!).  But with more thorough explanation from one of my most favorite all began to click.  The test felt like a breeze compared to what I was expecting.  Thank You, Lord!  (And thank you, Carol!)

To top it all off, it was snowing all morning.  Oh yes, it was COLD.  My face hurt when I came inside.  But it was so worth it!  This snow is wetter than last week's, so it sticks to the trees really well and looks absolutely gorgeous.  We don't have any wind right now, either, so the flakes are just drifting lazily down.  It's the kind of winter scene I used to see only in pictures.  Now, I get to see it in person.  I am blessed. :)

Alrighty, folks - off I go to clean bathrooms.  Don't any of you feel sorry for me, though.  I love it and I have a great friend to clean with.  Three cheers for snow!  And cleaning bathrooms!  And life walking by the Lord's side.  It's the greatest!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Just another day in the life of...

I feel compelled to write today, just so my blog isn't left with one lonely little post. :D

This week we had a monster storm barrel through and dump over a foot of snow here in the Ozarks.  It was bad enough that classes were cancelled for the day.  (Bummer.  You mean we don't get to wade through all that snow?!  Well...ahem...some of us did anyway.)  The following two days temperatures dipped all the way to 0°, and the road was too slippery for comfort.  But it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!  Maybe it's because I didn't grow up around it, but I've really loved the snow this winter.

That being said, I am very grateful the roads were cleared and we were able to get into town today.  The grocery stash was getting a wee bit small - and we may be getting more snow in the middle of the week.  Common sense told me I should take the chance while I had it.

This is Superbowl Sunday, of course, and it seems everyone is having a party.  I got invited to one of them.  Me?  Going to a Superbowl party?  It's is almost as inconceivable as Switzerland joining a war.  No, it's not that bad. I 'll have fun, although I won't have a clue what goes on in the game.  It's about the friends and the food, right?  (Some of you wouldn't agree - especially for this game.  You know who you are.  ;))

I think that's about all I have to report.  Week number four of the semester has begun - and life is always an adventure.  Bring it on!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Howdy, folks!

Welcome to my blog.  God has made my life an exciting adventure of learning, growth, and laughter.  He's so very real and to walk with Him every day is the most awesome privilege I have ever known!  Hopefully as I share my life through this blog, you will be encouraged and challenged along the way.