Sunday, February 27, 2011


Well, I had this clever little line running through my head this morning: "Home is where the coffee is."  Funny thing was, our Sunday School lesson today was called "A home for the homeless".  Of course home is so much more than just a place to get coffee.  I thought of Mom's hug when I walked in the door two days before Christmas.  I thought back to January when I walked into my apartment after a long day of traveling.  Even though you could tell it hadn't been lived in for the few weeks over break, I still let out a happy sigh - "I'm home again."  I thought of walking back from classes the day we got our first snow this semester - the cold wind stung my face, but I could have jumped for joy because it meant I was home again.  Home.  But then I thought some more.  The single most meaningful picture that springs to mind when I hear the word "home" is my Heavenly Father's open arms.  A place that no matter what happens, I can run to.  A place that no matter what the circumstances, I can find peace, joy, acceptance.  A place my heart longs for amid the busy life I often force upon myself.  Home.
So I was feeling all spiritual as Esther and I chatted on the way back from church.  The thoughts running through my mind seemed perfect for a nice, encouraging Sunday post.  We got back. I walked up the hill.  At the doorway of our apartment, I was met by my roommate and her fiancé.  And half an inch of water covering our apartment floor.

WELCOME TO REAL LIFE!!!!!  It was as though God was saying, "I know it's so easy for you to feel spiritual in the comfort of the pews at church, or when you're talking with a friend.  But how serious are you about walking with Me when you run into life's realities?"  Deep breath...yes, Lord, thank You for that reminder.

Working frantically with brooms and dustpan - and then towels - we managed to get almost all of the water out.  Of course, such energetic sweeping and wringing of water-logged towels for a good 30-40 minutes was NOT what I had in mind for a restful Sunday afternoon.  I just may be sore tomorrow.  But happily, it wasn't worse.  Nothing was ruined except a few boxes of books.  Miraculously, even our wireless router and modem which had been sitting on the floor - and were actually dripping water - still work.  And nobody's laptop had been left on the floor.  And it happened on a day when it was 61° outside instead of 21°.  See?  God is good.  It's all about perspectives.  We can choose to look at circumstances, and we'll always find something to complain about.  Or we can choose to look at the Lord, and we will never lack reasons to be thankful.

So begins week number seven.  And you know what?  I think I'm going to make a cup of coffee.  And maybe just spend some time quietly thanking God for His presence in my life.  He really is the truest meaning of "home" for me.

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