Suddenly, a thought from last week flashed into my mind: “Discontentment leaves us vulnerable to temptation.” I sat up straighter and wondered, “Yikes! Haven’t I already yielded to temptation? I’ve been telling God how lousy my day is going to be instead of thanking Him for giving me another day.” And the weight lifted from my shoulders. The headache was still there. The mess was still there. Everything else was the same. But my perspective was radically different. Like going to the chiropractor – one snap and you feel like a new person. (At least, so I’ve been told.) God is so faithful to speak to me and bring my attention back to HIM.
After all, life shouldn’t sound like a funeral dirge when it was meant to be a song.
Since I had extra time on my hands today...
The monstrosity lurking in our mud room. I keep the door closed and try to pretend that it's not there.
Inspired by a friend's e-mail, I lit a candle this morning. Mmm, cinnamon...And that's the view from my kitchen window.
Proof that I DO clean my bathroom.
I didn't burn the beans this time.
Work detail is not without its kicks. We found this old t-shirt in our rag supply today. Michelle's comment: "Rachel, that shirt really fits you."
I've got my song back now.
"Lord, I'm amazed by You and how You love me..."
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