Here is what we do in class: sit and think (and talk). Who knew?
Joy looking over the headache – I mean, homework.
Working on a class project: Rebekah, Joy, Jae, and Fran. Yours truly was - guess where? (I’d like to point out that Fran is a leftie like me.)
During the break, I snapped a few shots of my wonderful friends.
This is Esther . Don't let the sweet and lovely face fool you - she's got plenty of spunk. She spreads laughter and joy wherever she goes. If there's anyone I could pick to be my older sister, it would be her.
Meet a hero. This lovely lady is Dawn – student, wife, and mother of five (soon to be six). Enough said.
This is the amazing Lindsey – fabulous team secretary, creative writer, over-all genius, and left-hander. She's someone I look up to…and not just because she's 6'2".
And then, my camera accompanied me to work detail in the afternoon…
This is Michelle. I really could say a lot, but I won't. I'll just say that it feels like I've known her forever, and our times together are an absolute blast. And isn't her smile great?
Friends are some of God's sweetest blessings. I wish I could adequately capture some of the moments I share with these fabulous folks. The little things that make me laugh out loud when I remember them later…
Like the "Hi cutie" sticker on my laptop. Esther was eating an orange in class (one of those little "cuties"), and then reached over and stuck the sticker on the corner of my laptop. It isn't nice to make your classmate laugh when the teacher is talking!
Or the very goofy grin Stephen (unofficial class clown) had on his face before he asked the question I've been dreading all semester: Would I be in charge of the discussion questions this Friday in our small group? I think he was expecting me to throw a fit at the idea, or something.
Or Lindsey's pouty face when she realized I took her picture. She's one of the only people I know who can actually look cute when pouting.
Or when Michelle threw a wet rag in my direction because I'd (purposely) grabbed her cleaning rag instead of mine.
Okay, I don't have time to write a book, so I'll stop there. See? I told you God would do something amazing yesterday. He gave me another day to share with dear brothers and sisters in Christ, to learn, to laugh, and yes, even to struggle. Because…well, because He loves me. And He loves you, too!
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