Yay for rain!
Esther - with my amazing talents, I'm sending some your way. ;)
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Superhero Tuesday
Meet Dawn. She and her husband were classmates of mine a long, long time ago. Well, okay, it was only last year. It seems like a long time ago.
If being a wife, mother of six, and missionary (heading to Tanzania in the none-too-distant future) doesn't qualify one for the Everyday Superhero Award, I don't know what does.
I'm happy I can call this lovely lady "friend". What a blessing she and Stephen were. And what fun memories! I can't help but laugh when I think of them. :)
So here's to you, Dawn. You're awesome!
God's Biggest Smile (A Faulty Understanding of Grace)
[This post originally appeared on my NTM blog.]
God has been doing some cool things in my life over the past year, and I’d like to share them with you.
To give you some background: I’ve been always been a “good” girl. You know, the nice, respectable girl who never did drugs, never drank, never got into trouble with boys, never broke curfew…
I tried so hard to do everything right – to have everything figured out. I wanted my theological “ducks” all in a neat row.
On the outside, my life seemed completely above reproach. (At least I thought it did.) Long skirts, long hair and head coverings, no jewelry, no makeup. No movies or contemporary music. This was the kind of picture I was trying to portray to the world: I’ve got it all under control. No one can point a finger at me.
I had this idea that the closer I got to God, the more things I’d have figured out and the better my life would look. Though I would never have said it, this was my attitude:
Of course we’re saved by grace. Everybody who trusts God is His child, but God probably loves me just a wee bit more than some people I know. Sure, He loves everyone, but His biggest smiles of favor are reserved for people like me. I’m more obedient. I’m special. I do those “extra” things that most people don’t.
The idea that God somehow loved me more had the ironic effect of making me a lot LESS loving. While I had plenty of love and loyalty for my convictions, many times I had little love for others and little true love for the Lord. Good works had nothing to do with my salvation, but I fell into the fatal trap of trusting that they could keep me in favor with God.
Over the past year, He began to strip away some of those outward things I’d clung to as a measure of my spirituality. Like the Galatians, I had begun in the Spirit, but was trying to live every day in my own strength. All the things I did were so that I could maintain a “holy life” and enjoy God’s favor. Self-righteousness can be a very subtle sin – but it is no less deadly because of its subtlety.
How could I have been so very blind to God’s daily grace for all those years? I found myself wondering. I need His grace every bit as much as the next person. And it’s been here for me all along. He wanted me to experience it, but I was too caught up with myself and my dos and don’ts. That realization turned my world upside down.
I won’t lie: it’s been painful in many ways. But it’s been worth every single ounce of that pain. The relationship I now have with the Lord is deeper than it ever was before. There’s still a lot of growing to do. But having tasted the freedom and joy that grace brings, I can’t fathom going back to “the way things were”. Grace compels me, not to fearfully pull away, but to push forward towards a deeper relationship with the One who loves me so much more than I can understand.
In the end, whether or not I wear makeup or jewelry or head coverings or skirts doesn’t matter all that much. That’s not where the real issue lies (although I thought it was for a long time). The real issue is where my focus is. Is it on doing everything right, or is it on staying close to my loving Heavenly Father?
Grace, not my convictions and my endless efforts, is what draws me close to Him. Ultimately, it’s grace I want to share with those God calls me to serve (whether overseas or, for now, those in my own community). It changed my life. And it can change theirs, too.
God has been doing some cool things in my life over the past year, and I’d like to share them with you.
To give you some background: I’ve been always been a “good” girl. You know, the nice, respectable girl who never did drugs, never drank, never got into trouble with boys, never broke curfew…
I tried so hard to do everything right – to have everything figured out. I wanted my theological “ducks” all in a neat row.
On the outside, my life seemed completely above reproach. (At least I thought it did.) Long skirts, long hair and head coverings, no jewelry, no makeup. No movies or contemporary music. This was the kind of picture I was trying to portray to the world: I’ve got it all under control. No one can point a finger at me.
I had this idea that the closer I got to God, the more things I’d have figured out and the better my life would look. Though I would never have said it, this was my attitude:
Of course we’re saved by grace. Everybody who trusts God is His child, but God probably loves me just a wee bit more than some people I know. Sure, He loves everyone, but His biggest smiles of favor are reserved for people like me. I’m more obedient. I’m special. I do those “extra” things that most people don’t.
The idea that God somehow loved me more had the ironic effect of making me a lot LESS loving. While I had plenty of love and loyalty for my convictions, many times I had little love for others and little true love for the Lord. Good works had nothing to do with my salvation, but I fell into the fatal trap of trusting that they could keep me in favor with God.
Over the past year, He began to strip away some of those outward things I’d clung to as a measure of my spirituality. Like the Galatians, I had begun in the Spirit, but was trying to live every day in my own strength. All the things I did were so that I could maintain a “holy life” and enjoy God’s favor. Self-righteousness can be a very subtle sin – but it is no less deadly because of its subtlety.
How could I have been so very blind to God’s daily grace for all those years? I found myself wondering. I need His grace every bit as much as the next person. And it’s been here for me all along. He wanted me to experience it, but I was too caught up with myself and my dos and don’ts. That realization turned my world upside down.
I won’t lie: it’s been painful in many ways. But it’s been worth every single ounce of that pain. The relationship I now have with the Lord is deeper than it ever was before. There’s still a lot of growing to do. But having tasted the freedom and joy that grace brings, I can’t fathom going back to “the way things were”. Grace compels me, not to fearfully pull away, but to push forward towards a deeper relationship with the One who loves me so much more than I can understand.
In the end, whether or not I wear makeup or jewelry or head coverings or skirts doesn’t matter all that much. That’s not where the real issue lies (although I thought it was for a long time). The real issue is where my focus is. Is it on doing everything right, or is it on staying close to my loving Heavenly Father?
Grace, not my convictions and my endless efforts, is what draws me close to Him. Ultimately, it’s grace I want to share with those God calls me to serve (whether overseas or, for now, those in my own community). It changed my life. And it can change theirs, too.
Friday, February 24, 2012
Snapshots of Life

My plant - up close and personal

Meet Hattie. My friend Mrs. W gave her to me.

Zoe's little brother, Wil, also from Mrs. W

An itsy-bitsy teacup (less than 2" tall!) that is 90 years old...or more.

The latest shots of the evolution of my room (notice the flower pictures on my corkboard)

Can you believe it's almost the end of February already?! Me neither.

Elijah. He's so cute I can hardly stand it!
A really good sermon I heard yesterday: Accepting God's Word
Happy Friday!
My plant - up close and personal
Meet Hattie. My friend Mrs. W gave her to me.
Zoe's little brother, Wil, also from Mrs. W
An itsy-bitsy teacup (less than 2" tall!) that is 90 years old...or more.
The latest shots of the evolution of my room (notice the flower pictures on my corkboard)
Can you believe it's almost the end of February already?! Me neither.
Elijah. He's so cute I can hardly stand it!
A really good sermon I heard yesterday: Accepting God's Word
Happy Friday!
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Thursday Trivia
A few tidbits for you:
I find writing to-do lists therapeutic.
The three most often listened-to songs around our house are: Grace Like Rain, Mercy Came Running and Mighty to Save.
If I had to pick one state to visit, it would be Vermont. No really good reason, I've just always wanted to see it. :)
I started drinking coffee when I was not quite 20, and in the beginning I only drank it black. This greatly impressed some people.
That's all. So long!
I find writing to-do lists therapeutic.
The three most often listened-to songs around our house are: Grace Like Rain, Mercy Came Running and Mighty to Save.
If I had to pick one state to visit, it would be Vermont. No really good reason, I've just always wanted to see it. :)
I started drinking coffee when I was not quite 20, and in the beginning I only drank it black. This greatly impressed some people.
That's all. So long!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
The Dawn of a New Day
"...Now if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is, and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will He not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' ...your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things. But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." (Matthew 6:30-34)
Happy Wednesday, friends!
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
My Song, My Prayer
O to grace how great a debtor
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it
With Thy Spirit from above
- Come Thou Fount
Daily I'm constrained to be
Let that grace, Lord, like a fetter
Bind my wandering heart to Thee
Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it
Prone to leave the God I love
Here's my heart, Lord, take and seal it
With Thy Spirit from above
- Come Thou Fount
Monday, February 20, 2012
This bit of wisdom hangs on the corkboard in my room:
I'm trying to plan for the future, and I can't see beyond today. And yet today is all I need to see.
The Lord's prayer doesn't say, "Give us this day everything we need for the next three months," but, "Give us this day our daily bread."
I'm trying to plan for the future, and I can't see beyond today. And yet today is all I need to see.
The Lord's prayer doesn't say, "Give us this day everything we need for the next three months," but, "Give us this day our daily bread."
Friday, February 17, 2012
Leaving God a Voicemail
Ever been so busy or caught up with your own thing that your prayers start to sound like you're just leaving God a voicemail?
You know, something like this: "Hi Lord...um...it's me. I...uh..I have a busy day. I have to do A and B and C. Uh...I'll need Your help so that I can get all that done. Okay, that's all. Talk to You later..."
I'm exaggerating of course, but really, don't we do that sort of thing sometimes? I caught myself slipping into that thinking just last night. In the busy-ness of our world (and our minds) it's a good thing to pause and re-focus on reality.
The reality is that God (by His very nature!) is not a human. He's not running around so busy that He has no time to "answer the phone", like the person you call and can never get a hold of. He is right with us, wherever we are. He is our loving Father - and closest Friend. It's no challenge for Him to hear the prayers of each of His children AND keep the universe in motion! He always has time for His children; we are the ones who put Him on hold.
He longs to listen. And He also wants to speak to us...if we will take the time to listen.
"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
You know, something like this: "Hi Lord...um...it's me. I...uh..I have a busy day. I have to do A and B and C. Uh...I'll need Your help so that I can get all that done. Okay, that's all. Talk to You later..."
I'm exaggerating of course, but really, don't we do that sort of thing sometimes? I caught myself slipping into that thinking just last night. In the busy-ness of our world (and our minds) it's a good thing to pause and re-focus on reality.
The reality is that God (by His very nature!) is not a human. He's not running around so busy that He has no time to "answer the phone", like the person you call and can never get a hold of. He is right with us, wherever we are. He is our loving Father - and closest Friend. It's no challenge for Him to hear the prayers of each of His children AND keep the universe in motion! He always has time for His children; we are the ones who put Him on hold.
He longs to listen. And He also wants to speak to us...if we will take the time to listen.
"Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know." Jeremiah 33:3
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Mail - for me!
I like getting mail. Actually, I love getting mail. Anything with a stamp and my name on it is reason for excitement. (Unless it's a bill or an ad, but I don't get too many of those.)
Today I got the package I'd been waiting for all week:

My new Bible (along with a Bible study I'm very much looking forward to starting!).
To be completely honest, I feel sort of guilty buying another Bible when I think of how many Bibles we have in this house...when I think of the fact that I personally have owned more than one over the years...
...While thousands and thousands of people have not a word of the Scriptures in a language they can understand. It just seems completely unfair.
It bothers me that so many Christians in the West - myself included - take this for granted. It's easy to buy a Bible in a myriad of sizes, shapes, covers, and translations. The very fact that it is so readily accessible leads us to value it less, oftentimes. I certainly stand guilty on this count.
God's Word is a tremendous treasure, and I'm privileged to have a copy in my own language. Oh, that I wouldn't take that privilege lightly!
Will you pray with me that God would give each of us a greater hunger for His Word - and for HIM?
Today I got the package I'd been waiting for all week:
My new Bible (along with a Bible study I'm very much looking forward to starting!).
To be completely honest, I feel sort of guilty buying another Bible when I think of how many Bibles we have in this house...when I think of the fact that I personally have owned more than one over the years...
...While thousands and thousands of people have not a word of the Scriptures in a language they can understand. It just seems completely unfair.
It bothers me that so many Christians in the West - myself included - take this for granted. It's easy to buy a Bible in a myriad of sizes, shapes, covers, and translations. The very fact that it is so readily accessible leads us to value it less, oftentimes. I certainly stand guilty on this count.
God's Word is a tremendous treasure, and I'm privileged to have a copy in my own language. Oh, that I wouldn't take that privilege lightly!
Will you pray with me that God would give each of us a greater hunger for His Word - and for HIM?
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Today's Words of Wisdom
"Asking Rachel not to like coffee would be like asking the sun not to shine."
- my little sister
- my little sister
Monday, February 13, 2012
Monday Tidbits
Today's soapbox:
Who says corned beef is only for St. Patrick's Day? That's just silly! It's fabulous any time of year. It's also what we're having for dinner.
Okay, I'm done. That soapbox isn't worth spending a whole lot of time on.
Today's weather:
At home - 48°. Rainy. Dreary skies. Light wind. Blooming trees. (This is California, and it is February.)
In Ozark-land - Snowy. Accumulation of possibly 1"-2". The prospect is enough to make me insanely jealous.
Today's random useless trivia:
I'm the second tallest in my family.
Today's random thankful thought:
I'm so thankful I don't get migraines as often as I used to! While I've had a few in the past several days, they're nowhere near as intense - or frequent - as they used to be. I'm thankful for the grace the Lord gave me to handle them in the past, and for the lessons He taught me through them. But...I'm also extremely grateful for the relief He has allowed me to experience!
Today's song:
"The Wonder of the Cross"
It's been going through my mind since I woke up.
Who says corned beef is only for St. Patrick's Day? That's just silly! It's fabulous any time of year. It's also what we're having for dinner.
Okay, I'm done. That soapbox isn't worth spending a whole lot of time on.
Today's weather:
At home - 48°. Rainy. Dreary skies. Light wind. Blooming trees. (This is California, and it is February.)
In Ozark-land - Snowy. Accumulation of possibly 1"-2". The prospect is enough to make me insanely jealous.
Today's random useless trivia:
I'm the second tallest in my family.
Today's random thankful thought:
I'm so thankful I don't get migraines as often as I used to! While I've had a few in the past several days, they're nowhere near as intense - or frequent - as they used to be. I'm thankful for the grace the Lord gave me to handle them in the past, and for the lessons He taught me through them. But...I'm also extremely grateful for the relief He has allowed me to experience!
Today's song:
"The Wonder of the Cross"
It's been going through my mind since I woke up.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
A Merry Moment
Merry ran over and plopped down on the couch next to me after tussling with her older brother.
"Jeremiah stinks," she wrinkled her nose in distaste.
I was laughing inside.
"Jeremiah stinks," she wrinkled her nose in distaste.
I was laughing inside.
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Back in California
[This post originally appeared on my NTM blog.]
My time in Missouri went well. The highlight was meeting one of the men on the West Africa leadership team. He answered a lot of questions and gave me a better perspective on the field of West Africa. So far it looks like the Lord is still leading in this direction, and I’m very excited to see things coming together!
At the end of three weeks, the apartment was cleaned, my worldly goods stowed away in suitcases, and the goodbyes said. Last Wednesday I flew back to California, ready to begin a new phase of God’s plan.
I’ll be living with my family during Partnership Development (more on this later). I’d love to have you praying with me about these things:
– wise use of time
– planning and goal-setting for Partnership Development
– opportunities for ministry and (possibly) part-time work
– sensitivity to the Lord’s leading
Thank you!
My time in Missouri went well. The highlight was meeting one of the men on the West Africa leadership team. He answered a lot of questions and gave me a better perspective on the field of West Africa. So far it looks like the Lord is still leading in this direction, and I’m very excited to see things coming together!
At the end of three weeks, the apartment was cleaned, my worldly goods stowed away in suitcases, and the goodbyes said. Last Wednesday I flew back to California, ready to begin a new phase of God’s plan.
I’ll be living with my family during Partnership Development (more on this later). I’d love to have you praying with me about these things:
– wise use of time
– planning and goal-setting for Partnership Development
– opportunities for ministry and (possibly) part-time work
– sensitivity to the Lord’s leading
Thank you!
Howdy, Friends!
Today is a nice, drizzly Saturday.
My to-do list is probably too ambitious (as usual).
So what am I doing here? Good point. ;)
Happy Saturday, y'all!
My to-do list is probably too ambitious (as usual).
So what am I doing here? Good point. ;)
Happy Saturday, y'all!
Friday, February 10, 2012
Happy Friday!
Howdy there.

This is how my day started: coffee and scones. (Well, actually my day started with getting up and taking a shower, but you know what I mean.)

This is my beautiful little plant. Exactly what my room has been needing.

This is what my room looks like now...


This is what we're having for dinner: BBQ chicken pizza.

This is something I really enjoy.

This is what I'm listening to right now.
Sing it!
"...I have loved you with an everlasting love..." - Jeremiah 31:3
This makes me want to sing and dance and clap.
So long, everyone!
This is how my day started: coffee and scones. (Well, actually my day started with getting up and taking a shower, but you know what I mean.)
This is my beautiful little plant. Exactly what my room has been needing.
This is what my room looks like now...
This is what we're having for dinner: BBQ chicken pizza.
This is something I really enjoy.
This is what I'm listening to right now.
Sing it!
"...I have loved you with an everlasting love..." - Jeremiah 31:3
This makes me want to sing and dance and clap.
So long, everyone!
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Confessions of a "Good" Girl
Lately, I've been feeling the need to post something more substantial. Not that there's anything wrong with tree-climbing, rejoicing that I'm home, or a warning on espresso concentrate drips. But the Lord has been doing some cool things that I haven't sat down and shared with you.
To give you some background:
I've been always been a good girl. You know, the nice, respectable girl who never did drugs, never drank, never got into trouble with boys, never broke curfew…
I wanted to do everything right. I wanted to figure everything out. Have all my theological ducks in a row. Have my life in perfect order.
Oh, my life looked so good on the outside. (At least I thought it did.) Long skirts, long hair and head coverings, no jewelry, and no makeup. I didn't watch movies or listen to the "wrong" kind of music.
I had this idea that the closer I got to God, the more things I'd have figured out and the better my life would look. Though I would never, ever have said it, my attitude was something like this:
Of course we're saved by grace. Everybody who trusts God is His child, but God probably loves me just a wee bit more than some people I know. I'm more obedient. I'm special. I do those "extra" things that most people don't.
The idea that God somehow loved me more than certain other people made me a whole lot LESS loving. Well, actually, I was quite in love with my convictions, to the point that many times I had little love for others and little true love for the Lord.
Over the past year, He began to strip away some of those outward things I'd clung to as a measure of my spirituality. Like the Galatians, I had begun in the Spirit, but was trying to live every day by my own strength. All the things I did were so that I could maintain a "holy life" and enjoy God's favor. Self-righteousness is a subtle – and deadly – sin. How could I have been so very blind to God's daily grace for all those years? I wondered. I need His grace every bit as much as the next person. And it's been here for me all along. He wanted me to experience it, but I was too caught up with myself and my dos and don'ts. That realization turned my world upside down.
I won't lie: it's been painful in many ways. But it's been worth every single ounce of that pain. The relationship I now have with the Lord is deeper than it ever was before. There's still a lot of growing to do. But having tasted the freedom and joy that grace brings, I cannot fathom going back to "the way things were". Grace compels me, not to fearfully pull away, but to push forward towards a deeper relationship with the One who loves me so much more than I can understand.
In the end, whether or not I wear makeup or jewelry or head coverings or skirts doesn't matter all that much. That's not where the real issue lies (although I thought it was for a long time). The real issue is where my focus is. Is it on doing everything right, or is it on staying close to my loving Heavenly Father?
Now I am walking away
From the life I once knew
And running into Your grace
That covers my shame
Again and again
- You Invite Me In
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1)
To give you some background:
I've been always been a good girl. You know, the nice, respectable girl who never did drugs, never drank, never got into trouble with boys, never broke curfew…
I wanted to do everything right. I wanted to figure everything out. Have all my theological ducks in a row. Have my life in perfect order.
Oh, my life looked so good on the outside. (At least I thought it did.) Long skirts, long hair and head coverings, no jewelry, and no makeup. I didn't watch movies or listen to the "wrong" kind of music.
I had this idea that the closer I got to God, the more things I'd have figured out and the better my life would look. Though I would never, ever have said it, my attitude was something like this:
Of course we're saved by grace. Everybody who trusts God is His child, but God probably loves me just a wee bit more than some people I know. I'm more obedient. I'm special. I do those "extra" things that most people don't.
The idea that God somehow loved me more than certain other people made me a whole lot LESS loving. Well, actually, I was quite in love with my convictions, to the point that many times I had little love for others and little true love for the Lord.
Over the past year, He began to strip away some of those outward things I'd clung to as a measure of my spirituality. Like the Galatians, I had begun in the Spirit, but was trying to live every day by my own strength. All the things I did were so that I could maintain a "holy life" and enjoy God's favor. Self-righteousness is a subtle – and deadly – sin. How could I have been so very blind to God's daily grace for all those years? I wondered. I need His grace every bit as much as the next person. And it's been here for me all along. He wanted me to experience it, but I was too caught up with myself and my dos and don'ts. That realization turned my world upside down.
I won't lie: it's been painful in many ways. But it's been worth every single ounce of that pain. The relationship I now have with the Lord is deeper than it ever was before. There's still a lot of growing to do. But having tasted the freedom and joy that grace brings, I cannot fathom going back to "the way things were". Grace compels me, not to fearfully pull away, but to push forward towards a deeper relationship with the One who loves me so much more than I can understand.
In the end, whether or not I wear makeup or jewelry or head coverings or skirts doesn't matter all that much. That's not where the real issue lies (although I thought it was for a long time). The real issue is where my focus is. Is it on doing everything right, or is it on staying close to my loving Heavenly Father?
Now I am walking away
From the life I once knew
And running into Your grace
That covers my shame
Again and again
- You Invite Me In
"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." (Galatians 5:1)
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Superhero Tuesday
Howdy, Michelle! :)
On a somewhat-related note, I decided last night that it was time to catch up with my childhood hero.
I believe I've mentioned the book, Evangelists in Chains, yes? Years ago, I went through a stage where I'd literally read this book cover-to-cover (338 pages!) every. single. day. It remains my favorite story to this day.
The main character is 19-year-old Peter Hans, a Moravian Anabaptist in the 16th century. He dreams of becoming a traveling evangelist and sharing his faith with people across Europe.
"Peter stared at the land of Hungary on his map. Would he ever go there? He saw himself standing in a foreign marketplace, surrounded by savage-looking Turks with fierce black moustaches and gleaming scimitars. As he expounded to them the words of Jesus, the glints of hatred softened and the weapons fell to the ground. Peter shook his head. Foolish dreams. Missionary work was not that easy. But maybe, someday...
"'As my Father hath sent me, even so send I you,' his lips moved as he folded his maps."
But then Peter is captured by the authorities, along with most of the men in their community of believers...
Monday, February 6, 2012
Thursday, February 2, 2012
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