Tonight seems like a good time to stop and remember some of the grace-gifts the Lord has given me this year:
Direction to a field, West Africa
Several weeks in Missouri to visit friends and say goodbyes
My job at a Summer camp. I got to experience God's grace in totally new ways. And my horizons were broadened as I got to work closely with people whose lives and backgrounds, in many ways, were very different from my own.

Being able to have a sounds silly, but the Lord reminded me of a lot of truths through the whole process of preparing the ground, planting, watering, watching things grow. And the splash of beauty and color it added perfectly illustrated the splash grace adds to our lives.
Two wonderful, encouraging books that pried my eyes open wider to grace: Grace for the Good Girl and Graceful

Layers of the old way - un-grace - being peeled back from my heart in a variety of areas, from Bible reading to shopping to setting goals...and more.
The blows-me-away faithfulness and love of supporters God has brought into my life: givers, prayers, encouragers. (Some of them I've never even met face-to-face!)
Being a part of teaching Firm Foundations in Sunday School. I'm 100% stoked to read through the lessons and see time and time again - God is the Hero of the story! And what an amazing Hero He is! Completely faithful, never-changing, always dependable. When God promises, you can bank on it! Loving, just, true, deeply involved in our lives. Powerful, wise, and undefeatable. I find myself cheering as I read these stories..."Yes! That's MY God!!" I'm also so thrilled to see the kids learning and hanging onto truth.
Significantly fewer migraines

Friends (and not just the two in the picture!) who listen, pray, laugh, love, encourage, challenge, and come-alongside-of. Super thankful for dear sisters in Christ!
Chances to see extended family - including meeting my 94-year-old great grandma for the first time, and seeing my grandpa for the first time since I was two years old. I cannot even begin to say how thankful I am to have had the chance to meet them (and others). Very, very special.
Opportunities to trust the Lord...with decisions, health, finances, work, family, etc. I don't necessarily always like these opportunities, but I know He gives them to me because He loves me.
Having friends who are living and serving the Lord in many different parts of the world. I get to have the inside scoop on what He's doing in their little corner!
His reminders of how much He loves me. No matter what I do or don't do, He is always here with me - Emmanuel - and His love never, ever stops.
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