Green and gravel...

Fields and sky...

Grass and toes...

Looking out over the lake and watching the water gently lapping against the rocks is quite relaxing.

Isn't it beautiful? This picture doesn't even begin to capture how many shades of green there are!!! (Partially because it was overcast when I took these pictures.)

The swinging bench where I spent many hours talking with friends or with God, writing notes, or doing homework.
This is also the bench where my infamous Possum Story (which some of you have heard) took place. Scarred for life.

Evening in the field

Down by the creek - without a doubt one of my most favorite spots on campus. It's quiet and peaceful and breath-takingly beautiful. It's the place I went when I needed to think or pray or just "get away" from everything. It's also where my friend Melissa took pictures for my first prayer card. We had fun traipsing around down there.

The spring house that feeds the creek
I'm thankful for the memories and the lessons learned during my time in the training. I would not trade those two years for anything.
I'm thankful for the chance to come back and be reminded of those things again, and to visit dear friends that God has given me.
And I'm thankful that God is not done with me yet.

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