Thursday, December 26, 2013

Gorée Island

So, here are pictures (lots!) from our little class excursion last Friday.  As I said, the island was nothing like I expected, and I thoroughly enjoyed seeing it.  I'd love to go back sometime.
(Facebook friends: Yes, these are the same pictures I posted today.  Nothing new.)
I don't know why, but I really like this.
Cool beams and arches
This reminds me of my all-time-and-forever favorite book, Evangelists in Chains, because the main character was in a dungeon right by the ocean for part of the story.
Bougainvilleas are my one weakness.
I love weathered paint...
...and quaint little alleys.
There's some of our group, moseying down the street.
For the tourists.  (There was actually a lot of tourist-y stuff, but I was much more interested in the buildings, the views, and the bougainvilleas.)
Here, kitty, kitty.
Bon Appetit!
Odd pods
One of my classmates just had to climb up this double canon.
Italian pastries, anyone?
If I could have scooped up this little cutie and taken her home with me, I would have.  Alas, I could not find a way to manage that.
Heading to the ferry for the ride back (we were about 10-15 minutes from the city).
My family is somewhere out there.  Waaaay out there.

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