Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Of Labels

Why does my sugar package have these green leaves that look like mint?  Um, that's because I didn't read the label very well.  Sucre a la menthe.  That's mint sugar, Rachel.  Not plain sugar.  I won't be making banana bread with this...

Okay, I know it's nail polish remover, but it's still disconcerting to see "ricin" on something that you put on your nails.
Also (on a unrelated note), if you look at the small print (which is hard to see, I realize), second and third lines, you'll see why I love Portuguese.  I've never studied it, but I can read it because it's so similar to Spanish.  Which makes me feel smart.  Like, Hey, I can understand this language and I didn't even "learn" it.  Then I go out and try my still-shaky French and get blank looks and I come back down to earth.

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