Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Everyday Life: Meet the {Host} Family

Meet my wonderful host family: Julien, Angèle, Germain, and baby Theophile
Yes, of course, just like any other relationship, this one takes work too.  But they have been such an incredible gift - so welcoming, so open, so easy to be around.
I immediately liked Angèle.  Right from the start, I couldn't help but think that the God of details had a reason for putting us together.  Things like...she enjoys cooking, she likes to be organized and neat...down to fun things like our birthdays are only days apart...or little things like she doesn't use a lot of Maggi cubes in her cooking (which is super nice for me, since all that MSG gives me migraines!).
Baby Theophile.  He's a month old now.  When he was first born, I couldn't get over how tiny he was.  ("Yes," I told myself, "my nephews and niece were once that small."  Now the older two are stealthily inching towards my height.  But I digress.)
When I saw him the other night - it had been about a week since I'd last seen him - I couldn't believe how much he'd grown!
Il est gourmand, Julien likes to say.  ("He's greedy!")  It's true.
They're all obviously quite taken with the newest member of the family.  Germain likes to kiss him, although he's not particularly gentle.  Julien talks to him in a monster voice sometimes, which cracks me up.
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After family pictures, Germain wanted to have a turn with the camera.
Up a little higher, bud...
...Like this.
From the look of glee on his face, he was obviously enjoying the impromptu photo shoot.
Nice floor, nice thumb. ;)
LOL!  His faces make me laugh.
His energy wears me out.
"Play with me, Rachel, play with me!"  "Again, again!"  "Let's play with my ball!"  "The clapping game [which I have yet to figure out exactly how to play]!"  It's fun, just...well, tiring.
His mom usually stops him at some point with, "Hey, leave her alone.  She's tired."
But I don't mind too much. :)
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