Tuesday, August 19, 2014


This is a science experiment.  (Not really.)  You know how liquids expand when they freeze?  And you know how my fridge thinks it's a freezer sometimes?  Yeah.
But it gets weirder...
This is what happens when you crack open said "science experiment".  At least I didn't need to worry about whether these eggs had stayed fresh.  LOL!
This is something that one should never find in one's fridge: a dead cockroach.  How in the world did it get in there?!
This is abstract shot #1...
...and #2 (slightly less abstract).  Can you guess what this is?  Hint: it's been mentioned here this month.
This is puzzling: a label (in English) with Turkey spelled really strangely!  I'm scratching my head...
This is an all-too-common afternoon disturbance: bricks and construction material being thrown around.
This is a chain of command.  Or a chain of something.  (They were handing bricks up from one level to the next.)
This is the light at the end of the tunnel.
Just kidding.  This is the stairway.  I'm looking out from the peephole in the front door.
(It really would be bad to count on a light at the end of the tunnel here...no way of knowing whether it would stay on or not!)

This is the latest gecko, yet to be named.  He's about the same size as Pinky, so I'm calling him her twin brother, though of course, I have no way of knowing if they're related.  ;)

More pictures tomorrow.  Hopefully.

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