Saturday, June 30, 2018


This is Foam Block City, which we built one day before nap time.

This is nearly-year-old spackling - which, it turns out, is completely worthless.  So much for getting apartment 2 in the guest house done before I left for California.

This is the pork n' pineapple fried rice I made one night -

Pork (marinated with soy, garlic, ginger, and a bit of brown sugar)
Red pepper
Soy sauce

This is yet one more picture that makes me want a baby goat.  I'd keep it out in my backyard, and my neighbor would get a matching baby goat for her backyard and we'd name them Nutmeg and Ginger and they'd "baa" at each other over the fence.

It all sounds like a perfectly delightful plan.

This is Ava, the artist.

This is the look of concentration.

This is SuperKai!

This is when we drew with chalk before nap.

(Also, how many colors of chalk do there need to be?!  "Back in my day..." ;))

This is because she loves playing with leaves.

This is quintessential California: bright, fresh, cheery.

This is bubble fun!

This is when we went to the farm I used to volunteer at.

I wanted him to pose next to the biggest tractor, but his dad had already taken some of him there, so I guess he wanted a different backdrop.

This is Ava, selfie edition.

This is a fascinating progression of family pictures...

This Miss Curlicue - and the curl in the back is now long enough to bounce when she walks.  So cute.

This is snack time - a much anticipated event of the day.

Ava liked to watch The Duck Song while she ate.  She'd request it by tapping her leg and saying "Bum-bum-bum."  Too funny.

As for Kai, he asked (without fail), "What should I eat?"  Which, translated meant, "Which of these three different things on my plate should I eat first?"

This is a little munchkin I miss very much.

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