Monday, July 17, 2017

À la prochaine

It's Sunday night, the last night of my stay in Senegal.

At around 10 o' clock, we all pile in a taxi - Julien and Germain in the front passenger's seat, Angèle and I in the back with the two younger boys - and head to the airport.

We bounce along the bumpy roads and Theo falls asleep, nestled in my arms.

Angèle and I talk, but the conversation feels slightly strained.  I know why.  She's trying to keep a handle on her emotions.

We're at the airport now.  The taxi driver parks, we get out, and Julien takes my suitcases out of the trunk.

I bend down and kiss the boys.  Theo leans against me sleepily, only half grasping that Tata Rachel is leaving and won't be back for a while.  How many inches will they grow between now and the next time I see them?

I wish I could take them home with me.  I've teased Angèle that I could just hide them all in my suitcases.  Julien tells me I'll have a big problem with the authorities if I try that...

Angèle smiles faintly.  Words are never enough to express the gratitude I have for them, but I speak them anyway, past the lump in my throat.  They wish God's blessings for me and my family.

More hugs and kisses, and finally we say -

À la prochaine fois.

No goodbye...just until next time.

Whenever that will be.


  1. I'm glad to see you still have your blog. I hope all is well with you and your family. I've hit a bump in my road and I'm trying to stay away from Facebook.

    1. Yes, I'm doing well. Staying busy right now. Hope you're well!

  2. Hanging in there. I hope to retire in the next couple of years but, not to sure if that's going to happen. I'll do my best to check up on the blog every now and then. I always enjoyed your posts. Take care.
