Saturday, March 24, 2018

Saturday 3.24

A sleepy little squirrel on the neighbor's roof
Baby spider plants rooting in water by the window
A pot of taco soup
The last cup of Christmas Morning tea
Conversation with a friend over dinner
Clatter of vehicles down the under-repair-street
Is He Worthy? on repeat
Puzzle pieces strewn across the table
Crisp, clean sheets
Dirt under my fingernails from re-potting plants

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Saturday 3.3

Sunshine streaming in the windows
Plant shopping with Esther
Fresh ground coffee
Skyping with Sarah & Co.
Thai fried rice and coconut soup
Listening to the Psalms in Spanish
Faint scent of the lavender-lemon candle drifting through the house
Unexpected chance to chat with an out-of-state friend
Thought-provoking chapter in March's read
Plump, furry squirrel snacking in my tree
Fast-disappearing patches of snow
The last cranberry scone
Warm spot on the couch from the sun

Thursday, March 1, 2018

To March

I find it a tad difficult to believe it's March already, but here we are!

What started out as rain early this morning turned to snow...heavy, wet, sloppy snow.  My favorite kind to shovel.  (On opposite day.)


The flakes were like 5" in diameter and the branches are weighed down so much now it looks almost unreal.

Okay, so maybe they weren't quite 5".  But they were HUGE, let me tell ya.

- - -

Things I'm looking forward to or excited about this month -

A simple little wreath for the living room.  It was a fun project.

 The prospect of Skyping with these cuties this weekend

The start of my church's Community Bible Experience, or New Testament Challenge, as we're calling it.  We'll be reading through the entirety of the New Testament during the months of March and April and various small groups will be meeting in homes during the week to discuss the reading.

March's read, which I haven't started just yet: Jim & Casper Go to Church (a Christian and an atheist who go to various churches together and talk about their experiences and beliefs)

A Scripture writing plan (shared by Esther this morning).  This one has a verse or passage on kindness for each day of the month.  I also found a grace-themed one - maybe for next month?

What are YOU looking forward to this month?