Where are you going? I'll be in Senegal at first. Long-term, there are several countries I could potentially be working in, but I'm not planning to make that decision just now.
What will you be doing? For the first 1 1/2 - 2 years, I'll be studying French and West African culture, getting involved in a local church, and generally learning how to function in society. Again, long-term, I'm not sure what the Lord has for me (ministry-wise), but there will be plenty of opportunities to consider.
Why do you have to go so far? Aren't there lots of people who need help here in the US, too? I grew up devouring missionary stories, reading world statistics, and praying for people groups I couldn't pronounce. I'm aware there are staggering needs everywhere. I also firmly believe there is much valuable work to be done here in our own backyard. However, most of the world enjoys far fewer opportunities then we do here. There are many groups in other countries who have no Bible in their own language, no church, no believers living among them, and no means of hearing the Gospel...unless someone is willing to go and live among them. Basically what it boils down to is this: God has a place for each and every one of His children. There are needs everywhere. He chose to put me in West Africa, so that's where I'm headed!
How did you pick West Africa? This question makes me laugh, mostly because I can't really claim that I picked West Africa. It's more like God just plopped it down in front of me and wouldn't let me ignore it. You read more about that story here.
What are your biggest fears? Hmm... Well, I'm really not crazy about snakes (poisonous or otherwise). I'm also squeamish and tropical diseases definitely strike a measure of fear in my heart. But to be really, really honest, my biggest fear is probably failure. "What if I can't learn the language? What if I just can't make it? Missionaries come home for all kinds of reasons; what if I'm one of them?"
How do you feel about going single? Are you scared? There are definitely times when I think, "Man, it sure would be nice to not have take care of all this stuff myself." Or, "It would be nice to have a built-in best friend and teammate!" On the other hand, no, going as a single isn't necessarily an aspect of fear for me. Yes, I realize there are dangers, but I also know danger isn't limited by marital status or geography or...you get the point.
How long will you be there before coming home to visit? Most likely 3-4 years.
So they speak French - have you taken any French classes here? Did you study French in school? Nope. I took Spanish. I'll be starting from scratch in Senegal. More or less, anyway.
Do you know people there? Will you be working on a team? Yes to both!
Do they have coffee? Do you think I'd be going if they didn't? (Just kidding.)
What I want you to know:
People sometimes make comments or assumptions that I'd like to answer, not to set the records straight, just to share my heart.
It's not a trip. I'm moving there! :)
It's not a great big adventure. Yes, it will be a unique and very valuable experience. But it will not always be fun or enjoyable or exciting. It'll be real life, just in another country.
I'm not "following my dreams". I really want to follow the Lord, and this is where I believe He is leading me. It's not about looking for fulfillment or "doing what I want to do".
I'm not really brave or really spiritual. I'm not a hero. I'm just a normal girl. I have fears and failures and sin just like the next person. Going overseas or being in full-time ministry anywhere does not make a person more spiritual. In fact, it doesn't automatically mean they're following the Lord. Please, please, please don't put me up on a pedestal!! It's dangerous up there!

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More questions? Feel free to ask!