Tuesday, August 18, 2015


Readjusting.  It comes in many forms...

A case of brain paralysis every time I'm confronted with a menu.  ("Too many choices!  Help me!")

Having a French word or phrase on the tip of my tongue, then realizing it would make no sense to those around me.

Fixing lunch, hearing Dad talk to a stranger out front, and thinking that we need to invite him to eat with us.  ('Cause if someone happens to be around at a meal time, aren't you supposed to invite them to stay?)

Congratulating myself on a successful grocery run entirely on my own...only to realize it's silly to count that a success in my home country.

The amazement of being able to continually understand everything being said around me (along with the wish that sometimes, I wouldn't).

Being astounded at prices, especially of food.

Feeling like I need to dress up somewhat to go out (i.e. wearing something nicer than just a plain t-shirt), but realizing that here, one can wear whatever one feels like wearing to go out.  Even pajamas.  Not that I would do that.  But I digress.

Surprise at many conveniences that are simply taken for granted here.  ("Washing clothes?  Oh, yeah.  There's a machine for that.  Hot water for a shower?  It comes right out of the faucet.")

Being mind-boggled at the sheer variety of things consistently available in a single store, particularly supermarkets...and realizing that it's once again possible to plan a weekly menu with some degree of confidence.

Uncertainty over clothing styles and knowing that - once again! - I probably look out of place.  (Well, that's the story of my life, so I suppose I should be used to it by now.)

Trying to explain a thought or idea and then realizing, "That might have been reasonable in Africa, but it probably sounds crazy to an American, which means I sound crazy."

- - -

It's rather odd: this whole thing of having to adjust to the culture, the place, the life one grew up in.  But hey, if I survived culture adjustment in one direction, I suppose I'll survive it in the opposite direction as well!

As long as I can laugh at myself. :)

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