Thursday, January 23, 2014

Yesterday in class...

Normally class consists of sitting at a table for 4 1/2 hours with my helper, Marie-Claude (more on the typical session in another post).  Yesterday we escaped the classroom and paid the local zoo/park a visit.
I took exactly four pictures before my camera's battery went kaput.  (Guess what language that comes from?  No, it's not French.)
So I whipped out my phone and continued like nothing had happened.  (Okay, that's not exactly what I did, but it sounded more exciting that way.)

I like shadow pictures, but this one is just weird.  Or more specifically, I look really weird.  What's up with that odd-shaped lump on my side?  I mean, I know I was carrying my tote on that side, but I didn't realize it would look like that.  Anyway...

You could almost forget you're right in the heart of a city with over two million people...

(And here's where my camera died...)

There were about seven or eight lions in this cage.
He was by himself and appeared to be quite bored.  He kept pacing back and forth, back and forth.

And then there was yet a third lion cage.

You probably can't even see these little guys.  To be honest, I'm not sure what they were exactly.  Some sort of fox-like creatures.  They would hardly stay still for a minute, so it was kind of hard to get a picture at all.

The crocodiles were ready to eat us.  Eeek!

Oh, what wouldn't I do to have eyelashes like an ostrich...

Howdy there.

It's just as well you can't see this thing better.  It's a wild boar (or related to a wild boar), and it's not exactly a pretty sight.

Rabbits at a zoo?  Yup.  There were also pigeons and a horse...which was hilarious, considering how common they are throughout the city.

We went back to see the big cats again.

Doesn't he look majestic?  Somewhat fierce and intimidating, but majestic nonetheless.

And finally: When I am tempted to be discouraged with my progress in French, let me at least be thankful that I'm moving faster than this creature.

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