Thursday, June 19, 2014

Dear _____,

Guy dressed exactly like Maxwell Smart…  Yeah, would you believe, dressed exactly like Max!  No?  Would you believe a suit and tie?  No?  Well…how about a t-shirt that said "Get Smart"?

Pile of mangos…  You were so plump and ripe (a beautiful shade of red!) that when I walked past you, my mouth instantly started watering.  I bought a mango that same day.  (The first mango I've bought this season.  Not the first one I've had, but the first one I've bought.)

Sense of smell…  It never ceases to amaze me just how powerful you can be.  Just a tiny whiff of something can make me instantly homesick…or make my mouth water…or make me want to puke.  I'm pretty sure life would be boring without you.  If only you could be programed not to detect certain scents.

Newly-remodeled gas station…  Your automatic sliding door shouldn't feel like a novelty, but it does.  Yeah, it's been a while since I walked through one of those.

Escalators…  Unlike sliding doors, I haven't missed you at all.  I've always had a ridiculous fear of you.  (My reoccurring nightmares as a child often involved escalators, not falling off cliffs.  No joke.)  Just the other week Marie-Claude and I went to the one and only shopping mall in the city, and they had an escalator.  I'm pretty sure that's the first time I've been on one since getting here, and I wouldn't mind in the least if it was another 10 months before I had to take one of you again.

Avocado…  It was so not a good idea to put you in the fridge – since my fridge sometimes thinks it's a freezer.  And frozen-then-thawed avocado has a particularly bizarre texture, let me tell ya.

Germain…  Little dude, trust me, you do not want me to be the one to shave to your head.  Leave that to maman; she's the expert.  And sit still!

Little white things floating in the air…  I don't know what you are - you look rather like dandelion seeds, but I don't think that's what you are.  All I know is that you make me sneeze.

Mechanic shop right around the corner from me…  I walked past you one day and looked inside (which I never really had before).  What?!!  You have a Michigan license plate?  How in the world…?!

Little baby tied on your mother's back…  I was standing right behind you (or, more accurately, against you) on the bus.  You tipped your head back and looked at me, then you started playing with my sleeve.  Cute little thing, you.

Two guys I almost ran over crossing the street…  Oops!  Sorry.  Normally I'm that one who gets almost run over.  Given the fact that I walk so fast, I almost lost my balance when I realized you were right in front of me.  So we did a mini dance and apologized and continued on our merry little ways.

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