Wednesday, February 18, 2015


This is a girls' pizza party I had the other weekend.
This is the way we make our pizzas, make our pizzas, make our pizzas...
This is the assembly "line" of pizzas waiting to be baked (my oven wouldn't hold more than three personal-sized pizzas at a time).
This is when we went out onto the balcony to see what we could of the wedding (reception?) being held right in front of my building.
This is some of the guests arriving.
This is when we were watching for the bride.  (We saw her arrive in a gloriously poufy white dress, but unfortunately I couldn't snap a picture of her in time.)
This is something Africa does extremely well: colorful outfits.  (Aren't they amazing?)
This was a "Hey, I guess we aren't the only ones craning our necks to see what's going on down there" moment.
This is the wedding party.  Or part of it at least.
This is everyone, back inside and happily chowing down on the pizza.
This is the aftermath of said pizza party.
This is a little "friend" we had in class one day.  She was a pretty hyper thing, dashing here and there and everywhere for...well, pretty much the entire session.  Needless to say, Marie-Claude and I were slightly distracted that afternoon.
This is Batman, aka Germain.
This is because my dad says you should always sprinkle a bit of yellow cheese on your pizzas for color.
This is the gecko I found outside of the classroom one day.  Michi, Ruth, and I were sitting outside and I saw the little guy run across the cement.  I chased him down and scooped him up.  Michi, I think, was somewhat disturbed by the fact that I picked him up.  I held him up next to her and was like, "Look, just in time for Valentine's Day!"
"Yeah, you should kiss him," Ruth suggested.
"That's frogs," I laughed.
"Oh, no, in Germany we kiss geckos.  All of our fairy tales have geckos."
Ha.  Ha.  Ha.
(For the record, no kissing was involved with this little guy's appearance.  I just held him for a while and watched him flick his little tongue out over his lips...and his eyes.)
This is the fanciest meal I've made in a while: fresh, crisp green beans with orange segments, sugared almonds, and a Dijon vinaigrette.  Yummy!

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