Thursday, October 29, 2015

Ministry Update

I realize I've not kept all of you posted on how God has been leading through this transition, so...I shall attempt to remedy this.

First, a brief overview.  When I came back to the States at the beginning of July, I'd been praying about whether I should look for work in California or pursue a stateside ministry with NTM.  The Lord just really gave me peace about continuing on with NTM, so I started checking into options with some of our different US centers: Sanford HQ, the MTC, our two Bible schools.  (Side note: I just want to say that I'm so thankful for the encouragement and support the mission has been through this whole transition.  Everyone has been very helpful and thorough in answering questions and pointing me towards what I needed to do.)

There were quite a few possibilities to look at - everything from writing to childcare to guest home ministry - so many neat options, in fact, that it was a little overwhelming!  After a lot of prayer, as well as input from my home church and others, I felt God nudging me to consider the Bible schools more closely.

Discipleship and encouraging young people (especially young ladies) are two things He's definitely given me a burden for.  The Bible school environment would easily provide many opportunities for that, so that was a huge draw.

I've talked with both the Wisconsin and the Michigan campuses, and it seems like either one could be an amazing place to work at.  God is doing great things there and I'm excited about the possibility of getting to be part of it.

What would I be doing?  Well, there's a significant need in the guest house at one of the campuses, and there are also various office "holes" to fill.  I know an office job doesn't necessarily sound very captivating or overly-spiritual, but ministry isn't confined to just a title or a role.  Ministry should be synonymous with life, and campus life will be full of opportunities to rub shoulders with others, to come alongside young people who want to walk with the Lord, to serve and to encourage those around me.

I haven't made a decision between the schools yet, but I'll be visiting the Wisconsin campus next month to meet the team there.  Your prayers would be much appreciated for that trip and the decision itself.

As far as time frames go, my home assignment will be up at the end of the year, so I'm supposed to move to my next ministry somewhere around then.  It's a bit stressful to my inner planner to know that there's going to be an out-of-state move in about two months...but not to know what state it'll be.  Maybe it shouldn't make that much of a difference; they'll both be covered in snow by that time and I'll probably freeze to death out there!  Thanks, West Africa, for rendering me incapable of handling temperatures below freezing. ;)

Anyway, that's the deal in a nutshell.  There's so much more I could write about this whole journey - about what the Lord has been showing me and teaching me through all of it - but that will have to be for another time.  I just wanted to let you all know what's going on and ask you to be praying with me.  Thanks!

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