Saturday, October 11, 2014

Celebration: {Day 11} The Real Deal


It's a word we toss around a lot these days.

There was a time I'd kind of roll my eyes a bit when I heard someone talking about it, because I have an allergy to clichés.

But the more I think about the concept, the more I become convinced that authenticity and grace actually fit hand-in-glove. 

Grace is displayed by authenticity.  Authenticity is made safe by grace.  The more I understand, receive, and live from God's grace, the more authentic I'll be.

I won't try to impress others with what I can do.

I won't try to cover up my failings.

I won't be interested in presenting a cleaned-up image of myself.

I won't be seeking to gain others' approval or live up to others' expectations.


Because grace is all about freedom, not bondage or fear.  Grace is all about Him and not about us.  Grace is about the work that He is doing in you, in me, in them, and how will the world see that work if we're hiding behind our nicely crafted masks?

Let's take off the masks.  Revel in the love that loves us just as we are, rough edges, faults, and all.  Live open before each other, before the world, so that God's grace can shine through.

Let's be authentic.  Let's embrace grace.

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