Monday, August 20, 2018

The Psalm 143:5 Post

I remember the days of long ago; I meditate on all Your works and consider what Your hands have done.

As yet another semester kicks off here at the Bible School, I wanted to stop and remember the Lord's goodness in many specific aspects of my ministry in the guest house.

First, running the guest house (something I'd considered as far back as training in Missouri) was an opportunity that was available at the time I was looking to transition into ministry here in the U.S.  I think it's been a great fit, and I truly love it.

I knew a couple people on staff here already, including Esther, a good friend and once-upon-a-time classmate in training.  With all the transitions of the previous several years, anything or anyone familiar felt like an incredible gift.

Josh, the guy who was running the guest house when I came, was the perfect person to train me.  Not only had he done brilliant things, such as setting up an online booking system (which saved a lot of time compared to the previous paper-only system), he was both hilarious and friendly.  On the first day of training, he pulled out a chair for me in the bookstore (which was his other ministry at the time) and said, "Today, we're going to tell stories."  So we did, talking about our childhoods and families and past ministry experiences.  It was a good start - and he and his wife Tamara have become some of my very dearest friends on staff here.

For the first couple semesters, I reported to a guy named Greg.  I was the new person on staff, new to this job, and not particularly full of self-confidence.  Greg is so approachable and gracious.  I always felt like I was listened to.  The Lord knew exactly what kind of supervisor to give me during that time.

Things shifted around (as they often do around here), and eventually my ministry fell under the supervision of the President's office. 

Both Dan and Casie (the president and his wife) are wonderful big-picture thinkers.  I see details - and sometimes only details.  I need input from people who can see beyond them, and Dan and Casie have a wonderful way of giving that input.

Casie, Kristi, and I function as a team for the department, meeting every other week.  When I used to meet with Greg, the meetings usually took twenty minutes or so.  But once the three of us ladies started meeting, they could go forty-five minutes or longer!  We discussed the guest house, of course, but it went beyond that - personal life, ministry realities, and sometimes just sharing a laugh together.  How kind of God to bring closer teamwork and coworker friendships to me at a time when, for several reasons, I was really needing it.

It was perfect timing in other ways, as the school began a lot of renovations and updates.  Casie and Kristi oversee many of the decor, furniture, and paint choices throughout the school, so they were able to bring that perspective to our meetings as well.  Changes in the guest house could reflect the choices in the main school building, giving a more thoughtful, unified feel to the campus.

Last year, Emily asked to shadow me to learn more about guest house ministry.  This led me to eventually ask her to consider interning.  She said yes, but debated for a while whether to come in August or January.  She decided to come in mid-August, and the timing couldn't have been more perfect.

Last week was very, very full, and I was exhausted by the end of it.  I can't help but think how it would have looked if Emily had chosen to come in January and I'd had to shoulder all of the week's work alone.

We had planned to tackle some remodeling projects in one of the guest apartments this fall, so we closed it to booking for the entire semester.  Late last week, as the final arrangements for student housing were being hammered out, it became apparent that we had four more students than available spots in dorms.  (A good problem to have!)  Every possible option was explored and exhausted.  That guest apartment was the only option left.  So four interns moved into it, opening up dorm space for the four freshmen coming.  It could have been a nightmare, but only fairly minor shifts were necessary in the guest house since it hadn't been available to book.

I remember...
I meditate...
I consider... 

...and I'm thankful for the people the Lord has put in my life at various points, for His impeccable timing, for the way He is so aware of my needs in each season of ministry.

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