Monday, July 13, 2015

Shots from the Window

Random shots from the window of my apartment back in WA...
Morning exercise sessions?
I guess so.
This one is actually a picture of the reflection on a window...from another window.
I'm not sure what kind of gathering this was...
Hanging laundry up.  I feel like there's a certain comfort to be found in simple everyday tasks.
I think this was the fish vendor.  Anyway, she was selling something.
Here's a dusty view of the apartment across from me.
What's that weird light?  Fire!  They were burning a pile of trash right next to my building.  I got the full benefit of all that wonderful smoky smell.
The neighbor horse!
One of them, anyway.  (There were three horses that were kept next door.)
Don't fall, dude.  Please.
Rebar!  It makes me think of when I worked at Home Depot.
My neighbors' dog.  I felt sorry for her, cramped up on that tiny patio all the time.  And by "tiny" I mean less 2' wide.
Scaffolding, African-style.
And the old lower-the-bucket-of-cement-over-the-edge-of-the-wall trick.  (Second time I fell for it that week...)

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