Friday, February 19, 2016

Setting the Solitary

It's one of those cool little promises tucked into an obscure verse in Psalms.

"He sets the solitary in families..." (Psalm 68:6)

So perhaps solitary sounds a bit melodramatic.  I may be single, but I wouldn't ever describe myself as solitary.  Some versions use the word lonely, and I don't know that I can really own that word either.  But the idea is people who aren't attached to a family.  And that, at least, I can relate to.

I think about all the places I've lived away from my parents' home, and you know what?  In each place there was a family (or families) who more or less adopted me.  It's great to have friends...but there's just something really special about being part of someone's family.  Being in their home regularly.  Being part of their family celebrations - especially holidays (it's always a hard time to be away from home).  Being auntie to their kids.  Not feeling like a guest or an interruption, but a normal part of life.

When I was in E2, for example, I had an absolutely incredible host family.  Julien and Angèle welcomed me in and treated me in every way as if I were part of their family.  As a member of their family, I had a sense of security, of belonging, an identity from which to relate to the rest of the community.  I had a home, a place to go and crash after a long day. I had people who knew me, accepted me, and loved me, people I could be real with and who would be real with me.  It's all such a gift.

...And I could say similar things about the other places I've been.  Whenever I have been away from my blood-relatives, God has placed me in a family.

It just makes my heart so happy and so thankful for how He keeps His promises.

1 comment:

  1. Your words ring true my courageous wise hearted sister. That's what really makes one world view bigger and teaches us God can care for us outside our blood family.
