Tuesday, February 23, 2016

The One Who Matters

This song has been playing a lot lately and it's really made me pause and look at my heart.  Is Jesus truly the only One who matters to me?  Is it really only His favor I'm interested in?  His approval I live for?

Oh, I'll pay lip service to all that, but I know in my heart that I have a lot of growing to do in that area.

Sometimes I obey the Lord but worry about how it will look to other people.  I spend an inordinate amount of time thinking about how to explain things so they know I am really seeking the Lord about fill-in-the-blank.  I get easily overwhelmed by others' expectations of me...or what I think are others' expectations.  It's both stressful and foolish.

How much better would it be if I talked to the Lord about it all instead of trying to manage others' opinions of me?  How much simpler if I focused squarely on Him and not my reputation?  My identity is in Christ alone.  I have God's favor entirely because I am His child.  Nothing else.  I want to live like that's true.

Pray with me about that, would you?


  1. Praying with you Rachel. Putting Jesus first everyday is something I fail at on most days. Pray with me that I will learn to wean out all the distractions so my eyes will see only Him! Love reading your blogs❤️ Leatrice

    1. Thank you, Lea! I'll be praying with you, too.
